○H-Hi part 2○

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-Well, since everybody was introduced, let's practise for a little longer and then let's start the match, shall we? - said Sugawara.

-Seems good to me. - Kuuro said- Let's go guys! See you, ma chéri.

With that, Kuuro blinked at (y/n) and pushed his teammates for the field so they could continue their practise.

Kenma Pov:

Breathe Kenma. Just breathe. Ok I can't. WHY IS KUURO ACTING LIKE THIS? Pretty, honey and chéri. Yes, I'm listing! He hasn't even repaired in her (e/c) beatiful eyes that remind everyone of a/the (hazelnut/sea/forest), her beautiful (h/c) hair that seems like it's floating...

Omg. What am I thinking? Come on Kenma, you just met the girl 10 minutes ago!

Volleyball,games, Kuuro.... Yess! No. I can't distract myself. (Y/n) is so cute, I just wanna protect her... But come on, it's obvious that I don't have a single shot with her... Who would want to date, or simply be friends with me?

Next Year she's going to Nekoma so maybe we can become kind of friends there? I don't even ask for more if that means that I can just greet her everyday.

I'm going to ask her number when the game ends. I can do this! No. I can't.

Kuuro Pov:

Ohhhhh look! My little Kenma is soo jealous!

Yes I am doing this on purpose. Don't get me wrong, (y/n) is beautiful, but I've known Kenma for about 8 years.

I'm trying to help him realise that even not knowing her, he has a little crush for her.

Kenma has never had a crush on anyone so it might be hard for him to know what he's feeling. I'm such a great friend.

Whoa he looked jealous like a minute ago and now he seems totally relaxed? Hello is this the repair my friend line? Because I think my best friend bugged.

Why does he look so sad now? Dude I swear to god, Kenma looks like those cats that in one minute are asking you with a cute eyes for milk and in the next one are scratching your whole arm because they don't want you to pet him.

I don't know how or when, but I'm going to get them together.

(Y/n) Pov:

I was now following Sugawara. We were walking towards our team.

Kenma looked so confident telling me his name. In that moment he did not looked shy at all! I'm happy to know that he didn't feel shy around me because, I know the struggle.

Suddenly, I hear someone calling me. It was coach Ukai.

-Hey (y/n)! I saw you met the guys and that you've just discovered that we are goint to play against them. I know that Kageyama has explained you why we didn't tell you.

-Yes, he did. I understand why you guys did it but in the next time, please inform me. -I shyly replied.

Coach Ukai was super nice with me. We did a great team!

Right now I don't really know the strategie that he choose to addopt for this game but he was about to tell me.

-So you see (y/n) when Kenma is in the front he....

Kenma. With that I looked at the Nekoma players. He was looking at me but when he noticed that I was looking too, he looked at the ground and catched a ball. Why was I blushing so hard? Again?

-(y/n)! Are you listening?

-ahm? Oh yes,yes! Please continue.

-(y/n). I had just finished.

-Omy... sorry!

-Hahahaha you don't have to apologise.. I see what's hapening... Guys!

"What's going to happen? Is he going to tell them? Is he going to ask them to get us together? " I thought.

-The game is about to start! Positions!

"Woah! You've got to stop being so paranoid (y/n)! Thank god."

Whoa! Hope you guys liked this chapter!
A lot of things are about to happen! What will you do?

Sorry for some grammar or speling mistakes!

See you next chapter! ≧◡≦

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