○You're a good fisher, Kenma○

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(Y/n) Pov:

I got myself into a nice oversized (f/c) hoodie and some comfortable pants. I decided to eat something light before going to Nekoma: 4 pancakes, a piece of fruit and a large cup of orange juice.

To explain, it was a light breakfast. For me, I guess. (Bestfriend/n) always says that I look like a vacuum cleaner when I'm eating. I don't get why tho. I think I eat the same as  a regular person.

I started walking to Nekoma. It was a nice morning. I usually don't wake up at this hours but the sun looks so pretty. Maybe I should start waking earlier just so I can see this view more often. ( hahaha ok who am I trying to fool it's not going to happen).

While I was arriving, I noticed someone waving at me. Who the hell is waving at me like a fricking maniac at this time of the morning in the middle of the stre- oh ok wait nevermind it's Kuuro.

-HEY YO (Y/n)! FINALLY YOUR AS* ARRIVED! I was already teeling Kenma that you should have fallen asleep again or something like that.

-Hey mind the way you talk with m-my gi-girlfriend Kuuro...

Ok I'm going to be honest here. If I had to say who was blushing more right now, I wouldn't be capable.

Kuuro was looking at both of us giggling.

-Dude I was just kidding, (y/n) knows it, calm down.

It was true. Kuuro has been like this since we started to hang more and it didn't really bothered me, I was like that to him too.

-O-oh ok sorry man I didn't know if (y/n) was ok with it and...

This boy is way to cute.

-Don't worry Kenma, it's fine. If I wasn't ok with it I would have told him. But thank you.

And with that we both smiled and I hold his hand.

-You're a nice fisher, you know that Kenma? - Kuuro asked him.

-What. But I've never went fishin-


And with that he busted laughing.

-I'm not even going to say a thing

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-I'm not even going to say a thing... - Kenma replied.

With that, we left Kuuro behind and started walking inside the gym.

I noticed Babs playing Voleyball as a libero with some other Nekoma players against Fukurodani. It seemed like a practising game.

-I didn't know Babs could play Voleyball! - I said

-Yeah, she can. She plays well as a libero tho.

As Kenma finished saying that, Babs saved a ball and another player was able to send it across the net, marking a point.

-Woow Babs babygirl you're starting to play like a pro. -some Fukorodani player said.

Why is he calling Babs babygirl tho? I thought she was single.

-That boy Bokuto should shut his as* before I hit his face with a ball... -Kuuro whispered.

I have no ideia how Kuuro moved so silently but right now he was behind us looking straight at Bokuto with a pissed face.

Bad move since he's way taller than me or Kenma. Of course Bokuto spot him.

-Oya oya look who looks so pissed! How's life going Kuuro-chan?

-Don't call me Kuuro-chan, owl... Nor Babs babygirl... -Kuuro tried to shout but instead whispered.

-Excuse me, what? I haven't heard anything. - Bokuto said mocking.

-I said... Don't call me Kuuro-chan nor Babs babygirl.

-And why not, may I know? - Babs asked walking towards us. - Hey honey, hey Kenma!

-Hey!- me and Kenma replied at the same time, still holding hands.

Kuuro seemed petrified. But he answered Babs.


-Because what, b*tch?

-Because I don't want to.

Babs kept looking at him, not changing her face expression.

-I don't want to set the dishes everyday and guess who has got to do it? Get a better excuse and when you have it, me and Bokuto will be outside, you can come and tell us. Let's go babyboy. Oh, and (y/n) I need to talk to you in a bit. See you later?

-Yeah, of course! - I said smiling to her.

-Awesome. See you later then.

And with that, they both left.

Kuuro seemed way to pissed. And jealous.

-If I were you I would tell her today. -Kenma said to Kuuro after a bit of silence.

-No, not today. But that b*tch Bokuto better not try anything.

And with that, Kuuro left, following where Babs and Bokuto went.

Kenma started giggling and looking at me.

-I ship them so much.

-Me too. - I replied laughing.

-Look honey, I gotta go and practise a bit for the game. Search around and if you need anything I'll be in the court. See you in a bit.

With that, he kissed my forehead and left, waving and looking at me.

I swear, this boy is way to sweet.

When I was starting to turn around I heard someone calling me.


I couldn't believe it.


I missed this boy so much.


(A/n) -

Hey guys hope yall have liked this chapter!

Thank you all for commenting and voting! Love to read your comments! (^-^)

Sorry for some spelling or grammar mistakes!

See you in the next chapter!

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