○Where are you?○

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Babs Pov:

The walk back to Kuuro's house was pretty silent. I can't believe these little sh*ts are mad at eachother because of some childish argument.

I'm kinda worried with (y/n) tho... She seemed pretty sad with Kenmas' words... but I mean who wouldn't?

He talked like he couldn't care less about her... but it can't be true right? He has to like her! Why would he look at her like she was the last piece of cake in the fridge if he didn't like her?

Well but I can't really do anything about this now... Maybe I should go talk with (y/n) later... I'll ask Kuuro for her adress... I hope he knows where she lives...

But right now I have other things that I have to talk about with him....

-Kuuro?- I asked breaking the silence.

He stopped looking at the road and looked at me.


-What Kenma said. Is it true?

-wh-what? About what?

-About... You know. You liking m-

-Oh no! I have no ideia what he was talking about to be honest... He must had needed some type of argument just so that he could argue with me...

He seems flustered. Oh honey, I have seen butterflies lying better than you.

But I mean, we liked eachother since day one of school. I have no ideia how he hadn't had the bal*s to tell me yet.

But let me tell you, no no, Miss Babs won't tell him either! He will have to be the one telling me if he is a man!

-Ok. - I simply replied.

He seemed to be sad with the answer. I don't know why tho, since "hE dOesN't liKe mE"

-Dude you gotta talk with Kenma...

-I know Babs... I'm thinking about it... I have no ideia why he was such a jerk to us... But mostly to (y/n)... I mean I know he is shy and that he doesn't want to get hurt... but this is not how you treat someone! I think we need to go and talk with (y/n) to see how she's doing...

-Yeah I guess you're right... So, do you have her adress?


Breathe, Babs, breathe.... Look I love this boy but sometimes he gets on my nerves. Why would he suggest to go see (y/n) if he doesn't have her adress?

-And do you have her number?


-So how would we know where she is?

-I don't know! I thought that maybe you knew how to find her!

Inhale, exhale...

-Honey, I met her today. How would I know where she lives?

-I don't know but you could know! But don't worry! - he said super happy - It can take some time but we will find her!

This. This meant that we would spend the whole afternoon looking for her. Around Tokyo. Without a simple clue. It was the only plan we had. Kuuro refused texting Kenma just so he could give him (y/n) number. So we would spend the whole afternoon looking for her around Tokyo.

Kenma Pov:

I'm so stupid. How was I capable of saying something like that to (y/n)?

How was I capable of almost ruinning the "almost relationship" between Kuuro and Babs?

I need to talk to her. I need to say I'm sorry. But. I can't.

How am I supposed to say I'm sorry without telling her that I have feelings for her? I don't know but I guess I'll have to find a way...

The thing is? Where is she? Where did she went?

I was still in the park after the fight between me and Kuuro. Babs decided to calm the things down and to go with Kuuro just so that we couldn't argue more. Thank god she did that.

I looked at the ground and saw that (y/n) footprints were still visible on the track. The ground was mostly made of dirt so it wasn't that hard to track them.

I started running, still looking at the footprints, when suddenly the floor stopped being made out of dirt but ciment.

That was it. I had lost her. And I couldn't text her, she wouldn't reply me after this whole argument.

I sat on a bench near my neighbourhood and started playing a game on my phone. I was sad and tired after this afternoon.

I started playing when I heard someone opening a door and crying. It couldn't be... right...?

I lifted my eyes from the screen when  I noticed her putting a trash bag outside her house and closing the door again. I guess she didn't see me.

This. This could only be a sign. What should I tell her? What should I do?

And with that, i started moving towards her door.


Oh my why did I ring the doorbell? Should I just run? Why on hell would I do this? What should I tell her?

And with that, she opened the door. With big, puffy and red eyes.

(Y/n) Pov:

Why is he hugging me?


Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter!

Sorry for some spelling and grammar mistakes!

Some new chapters will come soon!


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