○New Life○

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(Y/n) Pov:

I'm not going to lie. This is going to be pretty hard.

I've lived here all my life. Having to say goodbye to (bestfriend/n), Kageyama, Hinata, Sugawara... Daichi. Ok it's not like a "real" goodbye, I'm going to see them on like... a monthly basis.

I'm still going to miss Daichi's cooking... Ha ok just kidding let's not overreact.

Today was the day. I had everything packed already and my parents were waiting for me at home. I only had to say goodbye to everyone.

The last school day went by pretty well. I received all my exam grades and they were fine to be honest.

Right now, it's 5 in the afternoon: time for the Karasuno Volleyball Team Practice.

I walked into the gym and saw them all practising. No one had noticed me until Hinata looked at me and screamed: (Y/N)!!!!

He runned towards me and hugged me. Behind him was Kageyama and Nishinoya. Kageyama was drinking milk and looking at me silently. Nishinoya also hugged me.

This feeling. Im going to miss them so much. Why did I even agree to go to Tokyo with my parents ? Should I stay here after all?

-Yo Kageyama! - time to mess with him hehe

-Yess (y/n)?

-You know that scientists discovered that if you drink 2 liters or more of milk per day you're more likely to become a lactose intolerant?

Kageyama stopped immediately.

-Wh-what? You're joking right...?

-No man I think you should stop driking milk.... can you imagine having stomach pains everytime you drink regular milk?


-And to poop everytime you do it!- Nishinoya added.


-Yes Nishinoya, Sugawara's right. It's pretty disgusting... - Daichi agreed.

-Thank you Daichi! Now go get the ball you tossed! -Sugawara replied.

-Ok mom... -Nishinoya angrily mumbled.

-Excuse me? What did you say?

-Nothing nothing... I'm going....


We spent the rest of the afternoon playing and talking.

I said goodbye to the guys and told them to text me everyday.

Hinata promised me to send me memes everyday and Sugawara said that he was going to try to call me every weekend to see how I was doing.

Everyone said that their phones would always be available if I wanted to call or facetime them.

This. This is true friendship.

Me and Daichi went to Asahi and (bestfriend/n)s' house to say goodbye. I guess I've never seen (bestfriend/n) this sad if you want me to be honest.

We promised to meet every month and to facetime every week. And of course we could always text each other at any time.

Asahi was particulary strange. He gave me an orange bracelet just so I could wear it and never forget about Karasuno.

Are this guys trying to make me cry? If so, they are doing a pretty good job.

Me and Daichi walked back home together. In silence. I looked at Daichi and he looked like he was lost in thougt. When he noticed that I was looking at him, he smiled.

-I will miss our walks back home, you know?

-I know... Me too. But you could walk back home with Michimiya while I'm away, you know?

-Hm? Michimiya? Why?

-Oh come on Daichi.... You gotta start opening your eyes!

In that moment I noticed something shining in his bag..? Like a lucky charm?

-Wait, what's that?

-Hm? This? It's a lucky charm, Michimiya gave it to me when....

-Ok Daichi I'm not going to explain it to you. It's pretty obvious.

-Wait! (Y/n)! What do you mean? (Y/n)!

Pretty late for him because I was already running towards home and laughing hysterically.

We grabbed my bags and placed them in my parents car. Daichi gave me a bear hug and said that he loved me and if I wanted to be with him I would only have to call him that he would try to be with me instantly. He's only one call away anyway.

We entered the car and I slowly started to see Daichi and our house disapear in the middle of the trees.


(A/n) Hey guys hope you liked this chapter!

Sorry for some grammar or spelling mistakes!

See you next Chapter! :))

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