○Hello Tokyo○

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(Y/n) Pov:

I spent the whole ride listening to some music, texting with (bestfriend/n) and sleeping.

It was now Saturday, 3 in the morning. Me and my parents had stopped during the road trip so that we could had dinner in a drive-in restaurant, so we arrived a little bit later than what we had plan.

We arrived our new home and unpacked only some things we needed. We were too tired to unpack all right now, so we decided to go to sleep.

My summer vacations, as well as the rest of my school years are going to be spent right here, in Tokyo, in this house. And it was going to start now.

A whole new life. A whole new school. New friends... hopefully... if I have the guts to talk with someone...

Wait. Kenma! Tuesday!

This Tuesday I'm meeting Kenma at the park! Oh my god I miss him so much. I mean, like... you know. Cough cough...

Maybe I should text him saying that I'm already in Tokyo. I mean I don't wanna bore him...

But it's just a text i mean... why not?

Hey Kenma! Just arrived Tokyo! I guess later I'm going to explore the town but it looks pretty magical so far haha! :)

Oh my god what the hell. I'm so cringy. Where's the button "i mean stop dont send it!" when we need it...

5 minutes. 10 minutes. Oh my I shouldn't have send it. Ok it's 3 in the morning maybe he's asleep but still!

Bzzz bzzz

Hey (y/n)! I'm happy you arrived safely! :) Maybe I could show you the city later if you want to :)

Oh my. Ok. I was not waiting for this reply if you want me to be honest.

I mean I was supposed to unpack my things today but I'm on vacation so I  guess I could take care of that later...

And I do need to explore the city where I'm living in the next years if I want to be independent...

Hahaha yes of course! Thank you so much Kenma :) Where should we meet?

No problem at all :) There's an awesome park near Nekoma! Maybe we should meet there at like 15? :)

I decided to search it on Google Maps. Nekoma High was 5 minutes walking from my home. It will not be hard to get there.

Ok sounds good to me :) Well it's getting pretty late...I guess I'm going to sleep. See you tomorrow! :)

See you :)

And with that, I went to sleep.


I woke up by 12. My parents had already left for work.

They left me a sticky note saying that I had food in the fridge and that they would be back home by 1 Am.

I ate lunch and started to get ready. I chose a simple outfit: some jeans and a plain T-shirt.

When I arrived at the Park near Nekoma, I couldn't spot him. In reality, no one was around.

The park was really big. It had a lot of trees and some benches under them. It even had a lake. It was pretty magical and seemed like a scenario from a movie.

I started walking in the path near the lake when I spotted a pudding-haired person looking at his phone.


He stopped and took his eyes of the screen, looking in my direction.

-(Y/n)?? You're here already?

-Hm yes we agreed on meeting here at 15 remember?

-Wh-what? I meant in Tokyo.... And... No, I didn't schedule anything with you, I agreed to meet here with Kuuro and... Kuuro.

-What..? but I texted you at 3 am...?

-Kuuro spent the night at my house he must had texted you as he was me by my phone saying to meet me here....

My heart dropped. Kenma seemed so confused... And so was I.

That's when we saw 2 shadows coming from behind a tree near us. One of them was clapping..?

-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha! I see you guys found eachother!

-Kuuro? Babs? Can you please explain what the hell is going on?

Kenma seemed so upset. With Kuuro, with Babs, with everything that was going on... I thought he liked being with me...

Babs was a tall and pretty girl. She had brown long hair and brown eyes. She seemed very close with Kuuro... Were they dating?

-Well listen here my dear pudding-haired.... I've talked to Babs saying the way that you've been acting since you met (y/n) and she said that you probably liked her. So I prepared a little date for you guys and...

-Well I'll have to stop you right there Kuuro. Who are you to prepare something for me and a person that I don't even like that way?

My heart? Dropped. Stepped on. I want to cry. And to run away from here.

-And what moral do you have to say and prepare this when you've been liking Babs for a fuqin year and haven't tell her yet?

Babs seemed surprised. Her eyebrows lifted and she looked at Kuuro.

-Listen here you little shi-

-Kuuro. - Babs called his attention.

I guess I can't take this anymore. I should go home. Why am I crying? I don't want them to see me cry...

-Hm... Guys.. I... I.... Guess I'm going ho-

And with that, I started running. I didn't want to be there with them in that moment. I just want to go home and sleep.



-Ok listen here you little shits. -Babs adverted- I'm not letting you guys lose your friendship over a stupid decision Kuuro made and a stupid argument about whatever you guys are having. And I think we have something to talk about Kuuro... So let's go home. And you should go home too Kenma... and think about what you've said....

Kenma pov:

I fu*ked up so bad.


(A/n) Hey guys! Hope you liked this little plot twist hahaha!

So what you've been thinking about the story so far? \(^-^)/

Shout out for my friend babs_kebabs and her senpai Kuuro xD

Sorry for some spelling or grammar mistakes!

See you next chapter!

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