○Over the phone○

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Kenma Pov:

I've arrived home an hour ago. Today Kuuro didn't come with me and, to be honest, I don't know why. He said that he needed to talk with a friend...? I don't know, I didn't question him. Why would I? He does have more friends besides me...

When I arrived, there was no one in the house. Not a surprise tho.

My parents had started working in Sendai one year ago and with that, they decided to live there, since it was a four hour ride from Tokyo to there.

They would call me on a daily basis and send me money on a mensal basis just so I could buy food and other things I needed.

I had to learn how to cook proper food and how to clean the house. My food was not very good tho...

It had been an exhausting day. My physics test had not went that well, I forgot my lunch at home and Kuuro did not seem well too.

To be honest, I didn't know what was happening with him. He seemed kind of weird since we were at Karasuno High...

We and the rest of the team had spent the last night at a hotel near Karasuno and today we had all returned home.

Kuuro was supposed to share a cab with me but he bailed since he needed so desperately to talk with someone..

I decided to lay on my bed playing some games on my phone while eating some instant noodles I bought on the return trip.

I wanted to call her. To hear her voice.

Wait. Why tho? Why am I even thinking this. If I called her she would think I'm a freak! We're not even frien... Wait. We are. We really are! She had asked me if I wanted to be her friend!

Oh why the hell am I overthinking this! That's it! I'm calling her!

With that, I grabbed my phone and opened my contacts.

(Y/n) ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

Calling (Y/n) ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

Oh god. What am I doing? I should just hang up and...

-Hey Kenma!

Well.... I guess it's too late now.

-Hey (y/n)! How's everything going?

-Pretty fine! And... with you?

-Yeah! Everything's fine...

And with that, silence. Oh my, this is so akward. Just think about something to say!

-So... not to be rude or anything... but why are you calling me Kenma?

"Because I wanted to hear you!" Yeah, I guess I can't just say that...

-I... I just wanted to talk to you about Nekoma, Tokyo... Si-since you're moving here next week!...you know? Just so you wouldn't feel lost.. or alone...

Silence. Again.

-Oh. I... I don't even know what to say Kenma... I-I guess no one has ever done something like that for me... Thank you so much.

Ok. It's official. I have a crush.


Ok this was a short chapter but with a lot of information :D

Hope you guys liked it!

Sorry for some grammar or speling mistakes!

See you next chapter!

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