○Why is he looking at me?○

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(A/n)- hey guys hope you're liking the Fanfiction! \(^-^)/

Pretend that every Nekoma High  member from the Volleyball club is one year younger please! ^-^

Like Kenma is from the First Year and Kuuro from the Second! (~^-^)~


(Y/n) pov:

Once I arrive at the Gym, Hinata starts running towards me and with that, he hugs me. I couldn't see anything else behind him.

I always loved Hinata. He is such a friendly and happy person. He couldn't care less about what others thougt of him. I wish i was a little bit like him.

-(Y/n)! I missed you sooo much!

-What? How can you miss me Hinata? I saw you yesterday!- I replied laughing, still involved in the hug.

My relationship with all the players from Karasuno Volleyball Club was, in fact, pretty good. They respected me and knew that I was shy as a little hedgehog.

I knew Asahi since I was born so he was like an older brother to me, like Daichi.

Sugawara was like a mom to me and to the group. He treated us so well and would support anything we say.

I have been the assistent of the team since the beggining of the school year. I knew about every game that the boys would have, when they had to practice and I would support them and help the coach with some strategies for the game. I knew about every game that would happen between them and another schools. (A/n note: hehe you thought ~(^-^)~ )

Once Hinata let me go of the hug, I have a panoramic view of the Gym. And i see many different faces looking at me.

With that, I start running and hide myself behind Hinata. Not a good place to be honest, because I was a little taller than Hinata.

-woah! Hinata! Who are they? What are they doing here?

-Hehe (y/n) relaaaax... They are from a school that has come here for a friendly match!

-hmmmm.... And why wasn't I informed about this match? - I said 50% shy and 50% kinda angry.

-Well you know... I've tried to inform  you but I couldn't find you so I asked (bestfriend/n) where you were and she said that you were pooping... - Hinata said

-Pooping? - you asked blushing maddly.

-Yeah! And with that I went to the canteen....

And with that Kageyama poped up beside me and replied:

-Stop lying you idiot!

-AAA! - Hinata jumped too high so my hidding place was now exposed. With that, I did a mini run and hided myself behind Kageyama.

-Who are you calling an idiot, you idiot? - Hinata replied once he recomposed himself.

Kageyama tried to control himself and just took a deep breath. And with that he replied me:

-Today we are going to play a friendly game against Nekoma High Volleyball club. We didn't inform you because you would be pretty anxious about knowing that you would meet some people that are going to be at your school and that you probably will be friends with.

With that, my heart fell. Once I looked at the players, they all have returned to their practice but there was one that was still looking at me.

-Oi! Kenma! What you looking at? Just set the ball please! - a person with a big bed-hair said.

Who was he? Why is he looking at me?

(A/n) - Hey guys hope you liked this chapter! Many things are going to happen hehe! XD

Sorry for some grammar or speling mistakes.

See you next chapter! ^-^

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