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" We all got both light and dark inside us "

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" We all got both light and dark inside us "


Scott kicked a griever into the wall of the maze, leaving a dent behind.

It made Sonya, Harriet, Aria, Frypan and Winston confused on how one single 'human' could do that. They have never seen something like that.

They were forced out of their thoughts when the other grievers advanced towards us.

"You ugly shucking shank, you're so shucking ugly. No wonder everyone wants you dead!" I heard Minho yell.

I turned around to see him fighting a griever with a spear. All I wanted to know was, how did he get a spear and where did it come from.

I was kicked out of my train of thought when something came barreling into me, sending both me and whatever/whoever it was, to the ground. The fall was so harsh that I banged my head onto the ground, giving me a slight headache but I pushed the pain away.

Whatever ran into me, was now on top of me. I looked up and saw Kira's concerned eyes. We quickly scurried off of the ground and came face to face with a griever.

"Why do you always have to ruin things?" I asked the griever, a growl escaping my lips. It was a growl that said, 'this is my territory, now get the fuck away.'

I lifted up my gun and started firing at the spider looking thing that we gladers call grievers. I was aiming for the eyes since they are the most vulnerable spots on them.

"Come on!" I yelled out, finally cracking the glass that was the eye part, making the thing go blind. It was still making it's way towards me when Malia came running into it, knocking it to the ground. She jumped on it's back, holding onto it's shoulders. She brought her right hand up and punched it into the griever, when she brought her hand back out, she had a hand full of cables.

The griever was now laying limp on the ground. Malia looked up at me, her eyes glowing blue, she then threw the cables down and ran to help out Minho who was still fighting the griever from earlier.

I looked to my right and saw Scott still fighting the griever from earlier, the one he pushed into the maze' wall.

I ran towards them and started firing at the eyes again, until there was no more bullets that could be fired.

I threw my arm back, and with so much force, I brought my hand forwards, throwing the gun at the griever, hitting it dead in between the eyes. 

It gave Scott enough time to jump into action and pull the cables out of it.

He looked up at me, his eyes blazing red. I looked at him with wide eyes, not knowing that he was an alpha. I dismissed the whole thing when I heard Minho yelling at the last griever.

"Your buddies are dead! That's what you get with messing with us!" I chuckled and watched Isaac as he pulled out the cables from the griever, killing it. "Ha! That's what you get, you stupid piece of klunk!" Minho yelled at the - now dead griever. He was being serious, so that's why I started laughing. "You have something to say, Greenie?" He asked, saying Greenie just to piss me off.

"Whatever, Min-hoe," I chuckled, shaking my head at him.

He playfully glared at me and jumped on me, sending us both to the ground.

"You are so mean, TomTom."

"I know."

"We should get going before more decide to show up," Sonya announced, grabbing her bag as Minho and I stopped bickering.

I wiped my forehead with my shirt, flashing the people that were watching me. Both Malia and Lydia looked wide eyes at me and when I looked at them, they both blushed. I winked at both of them and gave them a cheeky grin.

"Yeah, let's go before we become beef stew," I announced, glancing over at the grievers.

We all grabbed out things snd started leaving the Glade.

I sighed and turned around, walking backwards. "Adios," I whispered, thinking about everyone that we have lost. I turned back around and slung my arm over Minho's shoulders, sending him a smirk. "Let's go get our Newt."

"You mean, your Newt," He told me, giving me a smirk.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked as I tilted my head a little.

"Nothing." He looked ahead, still having that stupid smirk on his face.


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