Chapter 2

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Beast boy)

I was amazed the angel I have loved for so long was right in front of me and I was looking like an idiot. I looked to see that cyborg had left meaning that he had planned this.

I regain my composure and ran a hand through my green hair. I so miss when I just had red hair normally.

(He has to work hard to change back to his normal non green human form for just a few hours.)

I really wanted raven to see the real me so I changed the best way I could. My hair turned red and then my skin turned white with the freckles I missed so much. My ears were not pointed and I saw in the window that my eyes were blue and I finally looked liked my old self. Freckles and all. I turned to raven she looked shocked to see the real me.

"Raven this is the real me." I said.

"Well I can see that I am just surprised to finally see it." She said.

"Do you like it." I asked shyly.

"Beast boy I like you in any form. Now cyborg said that you wanted to ask me out on a date. So he told me to come to Mrs.Pies and you would meet me here. Is this true Beast boy?" She said all of this so calmly.

This made me wonder where did the usual angry raven go. I looked at her I decided to tell her the truth.

"Yes raven this is true I have had a crush on you since we first met."

"Well as I got to know you I realized that I liked you to but I kept it a secret because I was scared you didn't like me the same way."

"I didn't know you did raven." I am so happy she does. I think my emotion started to show on my face because raven started smiling at me. Wow it was like she could read my mind.

"Well beast boy I did give big clues to that I liked you. Remember all the times you looked at other girls and how mad I got. Come on you had to notice that my eyes were glowing."

"I did but I thought you were mad at something else. I also wasn't looking at any other girls I was trying to be nice to help you make more friends. But your face usually scared them away with your glowing eyes."

"I am sorry for that I didn't know. But you think I can't make friends. I have a lot of friends."

"You mean be sides your magic books and pony dolls I said this knowing every word was true."

"Wait how did you know about the dolls. Those were a secret." Her eyebrow went up and the light shined through her purple hair.

"I once was coming to your room. I heard you talking so I just watched and saw you talking to two horses. You called them princess butter bean and butter cup. So from then on I watched when you where playing with them. I did this be caused I loved to hear you talk and I loved the story. So then I started watching the show on my phone in my room when no one was around."

"Oh that explains a lot. Because one day I was passing your room. I heard you yelling no butter bean. I thought I was just dreaming so I walked it off."

The waitress finally came. She was old but the type of old lady. That you would think was like someone's awesome grandma that would help you get away with things.

"May I take your order."

"Beast boy you order first so I can look for a pie."

"Ok may I have the Boston creme pie."

"Ok I will have the same because that's my favorite."

"Ok then." She walked away heading toward the kitchen.

I turned back to raven. I just couldn't believe I was here on a date with her. I reached for her hand a grabbed it. I just could stare into those violet eyes all day.

"Raven what do you want to do after this?"

"Well we can go to Florida it's warm there so we can go to the beach."

"Ok I said."

I wanted to keep this form when we go to this normal form so I tried to make a telepathic link with my sister. It worked I knew we couldn't talk that long since she was on Mars.

"Hi Megan what's up."

" Hi little bro what's up wait are you on a date?"

"How did you know that I was on a date."

"Because I can read your mind. So you need help with keeping your normal human form. It's is easy to do it's just like turning into animals. Just think of what you want to be and do it."

"Ok thanks sis are you coming back soon?"

"Yea I will soon give me time to master my powers. It will only take a few more weeks. I also have to do more politics with white Martian and the planet of Mars with earth."

"Ok just hurry back. Love you bye."


I watched as Raven played with her forks. I watched her it was just amazing. The waitress came back with our pies.

"Here you go darlings." She placed the white pies in front of us.

"Thank you I said to her. " She walked away. Raven picked up a fork. She scooped up some pie and moved the fork to my mouth. I opened and the fork went in. I tasted the sweet pie. I picked up a fork a feed Raven. We soon finished the pies and finished with a kiss. I left her warm lips met mine and I was like heaven. I could haves lived in that moment forever. Cyborg had paid for us already so we left hand in hand.

We headed back to the tower. She held my hand a we floated literally back to the tower. We walked into Cyborgs room and typed the information on the keyboard and pressed start. We walked through. We went from a cold day to a warm beach day. We wanted to go to beach so we decided to go shopping.

Authors note I hope you like this part of the story. For you action lovers I will try for action in the next chapter.

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