Chapter 5

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Author notes. I hoped you liked the last few chapters. Please comment ideas or like.

The next morning I was still happy from the experience I had with Raven the night before. I looked over to Raven who was laying next to me looking so peaceful. I just remember we where still in our birthday suits. I slipped out the bed and went to my dresser when I remembered today was Christmas. I put some underwear, sweat pants and a T-shirt. I turned into a half human half falcon. I got ready for take off and realized I wasn't green. I was my normal color and wing where the actual color of a falcons.

"Raven look" I said as I shook her awake.

"What's wrong BB" she said groggily.

"I am a normal color. I mean I am not green!"

"What how did this happen?"

"I don't know but Merry Christmas." I leaned in and kissed her. "I got you a gift. I will give it to you when everyone's at the Christmas tree."

"Ok I got you a gift to." She said.

"Ok I will go wake the team up." I turned and flew off. I guessed I looked like an angel.

I knocked on every door until I heard " Im coming." I then went back to Raven.

When I got back into the room Raven was dressed in some of my clothes. She was wearing one if my T-shirts and sweat pants along with her cloak.

"Ok Raven let's go." I grabbed my gift and put it in my pocket.

We flew out together with me on my wings and her just floating. We flew into the living room with my arm on her shoulder. I saw the members with presents in their hands and presents under the tree from fans, super heroes and super villains. I know you might question super villains but we all made a agreement that everyone's nice on Christmas.

"Ok let's get started." Said Robin looking at everyone. He handed everyone a present.

Each team member handed out there presents and opened them. Then we opened them. Robin gave me a 100 dollar gift card to anywhere. Cyborg gave me the new gta6 game that was coming out next year. Star fire gave me multiple animal houses for my room. Like a bird house and the things that cats climb on. And Raven gave me a magical bracelet that let me communicate with her and find her where every she is.

"And Garfield that only one part of the gift the other you can open in your room" she whispered.

I gave her the necklace and she lit up. She looked so happy. She gave me a kiss and a hug.

"By the way team me and Raven are a couple now."

" Yea we guessed by the kissing. And also me and starfire are a couple now" said Robin.

"And so are me and bee"said Cyborg. "I am inviting her over today."

"Well since we all have couple business we can open the rest of the presents later at the party to night. And we can all give our present to our other half in our rooms."

"Cool Robin." Me and Raven started flying back to my room where things would get wild and romantic in a few minutes. (I hope you get what's happening because if you don't your completely clueless.)

Authors note. I hoped you like that chapter. I will be writing more soon. Please vote and comment.

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