Chapter 24

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We took off into the sky. I saw a ranting kid flash below waving his arms at super speed. We flew off. Megan suddenly shifted.

"Guys I can sense him. He is near by but I don't want to tell him because if he knows he might do something stupid." She said.

"Aren't all guys prone to do something stupid?" Zatanna said.

"Yes!" We all yelled. We flew off toward the house.

Beast boy POV

I woke up. I was on Alex's bed. I was alone. I heard the shower running. I guessed Alex was in there. I grew flimsy wings. I knew I wouldn't fly at my best but I would be able to fly. I took off I faltered at first.

I then flew into Slade's office. I saw him working. He looked tired I guess he's been working all night. I faltered again which made a little noise. He looked up at me as I dropped into a chair.

"Good morning beast boy." He said.

"Good morning. So what are we doing to day?" I say.

"Nothing much. But I made a few additions to the pool such as it has under water caves that only you can access and the caves are filled with air. I also made a salt water pool with fish and a coral reef and everything in the tight wing." He said.

"Ok cool. I am going to go try it out." I said.

"Wait. I would like to thank you for every thing. And I also know your going home today your friend are coming and should be here at around 2. So go have fun before they get here." He said.

I nodded and hopped off the chair. I turned into a rabbit and hopped down the stairs. I didn't feel like using the elevator. I went down the hall and saw the beautiful pool. I turned into a seal and dived in.

I saw so many colors. I saw opening lit up by lights on the pool wall. I saw in it was a tube and it went up. I hit air. It was warm air. I climb out of the water to see a tv and dog bed which are comfortable for a lot of animals.

I layer on the dog bed. I suddenly felt warmer. I saw a heater turn on that was on the ceiling. I felt the water on my skin go away. I thin started to sleep. I woke up to a hand pulling me into the water.

"Somebody help somethings got me!" I screamed I tried to get free but the hold was strong. I felt my sleep feel cold water. I held my breath.

I saw the figure was Alex. He let me go and I nipped his hand he seemed to feel it. I pointed up with my flipper and he nodded.

"Why did you bite me?" Alex said. I decided to answer his question with a question.

"Why did you pull a sleeping baby seal into the water?" I said.

"I am sorry. When I didn't see you there I got worried. Then my dad told me you where in here but I couldn't find you in any of the other caves." He said.

I got to feelings. One he really cared about me. And two his dad didn't tell him I was leaving today.

"Alex I have something to tell you." I said.

"What is it?" He asked.

"The bad news is I am leaving today. But the good news I am going to try to convince your dad to let you come with me to meet your mother.

"Ok." Is all he said. I could see that he was hurt that I was leaving. But was also happy because he will get to see his mom.

"I promise I will come back and visit maybe on the weekends." I said this made him a little bit more happy.

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