Chapter 6

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Authors note. I hoped you liked this story so far. I wish more of you would post comments if you liked this story or vote.

This is the best Christmas ever I gave it to my now girl friend. She loved my gift. And now I am just laying in the bed next to her. I turned on the tv. On the news omit talked about a snow for a long time and I soon drifted to sleep.

Ravens POV

I looked over at my sleeping boyfriend. I was so glad to have him. I decided I would give him his final gift later. I also decided to sleep a little longer. I moved towards him and wrapped my as around his musclier body. I felt his warmth embrace me as I fell asleep.

Beast boy POV

I awoke with Raven cuddling me and watching tv. I looked to see what she was watching she was watching full house which is how I knew it was late.

"You ok Rae?"

"I am fine now that your up get dressed. You can't be in your commando suit where we are going and I don't think the others would like that to much."

"Where are we going and what do I wear?"

"It's a surprise and I already picked out your clothes."

"Oh ok."

I looked at the clothes on the bottom part of the bed. I saw a pair of jeans a green button down shirt and green converse shoes and a dark green wind breaker. I quickly put the clothes on not bothering to hide anything. I then look in the mirror and see that I was once again green. My smile vanished. I saw Raven looking at me.


I saw the look on his face when he saw he was green I knew he didn't like it. I saw that he tried to get his emotions under control. I knew that then he would love my gift that I took me forever to get that crystal that will help him with his powers. I went all the way to the maglor system and had to battle space worms for. I can't wait to give it to him to night.

I laid in the bed and made my clothes choices float in front of me. I chose a purple skirt and blouse. I also took one of the small jackets it was black and black flat shoes. I liked it and magically put it on me and got out of bed. I looked towards beast boy. His jaw dropped and then he regained his composure.

Beast boy

I looked towards Raven a saw the most beautiful thing I have every seen. I closed my mouth and tried to hide the fact I was staring. I turned around trying to calm myself down. I then looked at her and put my hand put towards her. She grabbed it and we walked out hand in hand.

She opened a portal and we walked through. We appeared in a restaurant. The restaurant was the Cheesecake Factory and we were standing next to a round booth with our friends sitting looking up at us. We say down I sat down next to Robin and Raven was on my right.

"So what does everyone want to eat? Batman said he would pay for it." Said Robin talking to all of us but looking at Star-fire.

Everyone looked at their menu. Me and Raven decided that we wanted sprite. I had a veggie burger and Raven had a regular burger.

"Baby I have a present for you." She handed me a box." I hope you like it."

I opened it and saw a white crystal on a necklace.


I really hoped he liked it. I gave up having children so he could he could be happy.

Beast boy

I loved it. It look so beautiful. But when I looked in Raven eyes I could tell there was something more to it. I put it on and looked at my hands which turned white and freckly. And I pulled out a string of hair and saw it was red.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it Raven!" I grabbed her and have her a hug.

"The crystal suppresses your Martian DNA concerning your looks. So you look like your normal self but you still have your powers." She said sounding like a scientist.

The waitress came back with everyone's order. We all ate and laughed and had a good time. Me and Rae were tired so we decided to go home early. We walked outside and decided to take the long way home so we started walking. But just as we were walking through the park only guide by the park lights and my night vision. We were almost out of the park when I was hit with magically blast. I fell i picked my self up and turned around. I look and I saw Jinx.

Authors note I hoped you liked it please vote and comment. I would will reply to every comment given. I will also update as soon as I can.

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