Chapter 8

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Author note. I am so happy many of you have message me saying you liked the story. Thank you for all who voted. And more of you please comment your ideas or privately message me.

Beast boy

I guess i fell asleep for a little bit. I was still wrapped up in a blanket and now I am in a shopping cart. I looked up and I saw Raven and Star fire on the left and Bumble bee on the right. I was a little scared and then I started to wet the blanket. Raven notice and gave me a look.

"It's ok and I know it isn't your fault but at least give me a warning." Raven said.

She the pulled out a pack of diapers. I made a face and looked towards Bumble bee and Star fire. Raven looked like she understood. Then she stopped the cart picked me up and carried a pack of diapers and a blue onesie.

"Me and beast boy have to go to the bathroom girls. So while I am gone get things that are animal or Martian themed." She said.

She flew with me and the other stuff in her hand. She went into the female bathroom. Thank god there was no one in here.

"Raven I always wondered what they lady's room looked like. It looks just like the boys room except no urinals. So your going to put me in a diaper."

"Yes I am putting you in a diaper. We can't have you peeing every where. And I think all girls wounded about the boys bathroom. And boys do the opposite." Raven said with a grin.

She opened the biggest stall. I saw a changing table and she laid me on it. She strapped me in which scared me since I always had bad experiences when I was strapped in. I calmed myself down I was with my awesome girl friend.

I watched as she diapered me. She first before closing the diaper she put tons of baby powder on my nether regions. It smelled good so I didn't complain. See then put some on my butt then taped it on me.

"Beast boy you know your not a real baby right? I know we are treating you like one but your still my big bad boyfriend." She said.

"Can the big bad boyfriend have a kiss?" I said giving her a pouty face.

"Oh course." She kissed me a sparks flew. This made being a baby a whole lot better. She then went back to work.

She first helped me into the onesie. It was blue with ice skating penguins on it. It was strange wear this stuff I felt cute safe and tired. Once she got the onesie on she unstrapped me from changing table and carried me and a opened pack of diapers to the cart. When we got there I was embarrassed because Star fire and Bumble bee had their phones out ready to take pictures. I crawled into deeper into her arms for protection and I moved a piece of her cloak over me.

It seemed to work but I knew they would get me later. She put me back in the shopping cart and then looked at the clothes they picked out. She liked them and gave a thumbs up to the girls.

"Beast boy we are going to take you to the boys so you can sort through the toys." Raven said.

"Ok." I said. "Wait I can find them. I can still turn into animals."

"I know that but I need to watch you and how can we explain you flying or having wings or an animal wearing a diaper and onesie. Wait how are you still cookies and creme. I don't see the necklace." She said.

"It's called freckled and awesome. And I wrapped the necklace around my wrist until in fit." I said.


She pushed the cart to the toy section. We looked for Robin and Cyborg. We found them playing with some of the toys. I giggled at this which caught their attention. Robin disappeared and Cyborg turned into a toy truck. Raven put me on the floor I tried to walk the fell over. Raven and Cyborg the truck giggled. So I was forced to crawl. Not wasn't that bad but it took alit of energy.

Cyborg turned back to normal. He put some toys in a line. I was to decide wether I liked them or not. I liked the penguin stuffed animal and the monkey. So this told the team I liked stuffed animals so they bought me a few more. We waited for star fire to come back with the bottles, pacifiers and baby soap and lotion. And we waited for bumble bee to come back with the milk ,baby food and bath toy.

"Robin just texted. He said that he sent the crib to the house. And he said he will be waiting for us in candy ale." Cyborg said while looking at his phone.

Bumble bee and Star fire came back. So the we went to the cashier and paid for everything we found Robin who was staring at chocolate. We made him get in the car. When we got home they setup everything they brought. They put me in the living room I front of the tv. And put a flat rock, busy and a kiddy pool in front of the tv. Then Cyborg and Robin were put there to watch me. I took some stuff animals. I was tired so I turned into a gecko and laid down on my sun rock. I soon fell asleep.

I woke up to Raven yelling at Robin and Cyborg. I turned back to normal.

"Raven why were you yelling?"I asked.

She turned around and picked me up and kissed me. She look terrified.

"Where did you go?" She asked worried.

"I was asleep on my sun rock." I said.

"We didn't see you there. There was no baby beast boy on a sun rock." She said.

"Because I wasn't baby beast boy. You know I like to change before I fall asleep. But I thought you would notice a green gecko on a gray rock." I said.

"Well you weren't green." She said.

"Ok I will prove it."I turned into a lizard in her hands. and I looked at my tail. And I would have screamed if I could. I was gray I grabbed onto my tail. I looked at Raven she was just as shocked.

"Well I guess now you can change into animals and have their correct colors to." She said.

I turned back into normal. I looked at Cyborg and Robin. They look liked Raven was going to kill them. Well maybe she was she is half demon.

"Do you to need to borrow a diaper because you look like your about to pee your pants." I said.

Cyborg was about to get up to argue but say back down when he realized I was still in Raven's arms.

"Ok beast boy I will let you go play but make sure in of us knows where you are. And if these two act stupid just yell." She said.

"What Raven." I grabbed her head trying to pull it down so could whisper it. " Raven please change before you go."

She winked and took me into her room. I was changed and she put me in a diaper and t shirt and let me out to play. I then just watch action movies with Cyborg and Robin. I had to sit on Robins lap because I couldn't see from the floor.

I then fell asleep.

Author's notes. I hoped you liked it please comment and like. I would like to thank Aurora for being funny and giving me ideas.

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