Chapter 17

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Beast boy POV

After a while me and Alex got out of the pool. He picked me up out if the water. He carried me back up stairs. Where a pile of baby clothes, diapers and a crib was waiting for us. He put me on the bed.

He started changing me. He put me in a onesie and handed me a controller. I was just be able to hold it. We played gta7 which hadn't even come out yet.

I guess since he was rich he got things before they even came out. I played but he won ever round. I was horrible at using the control.

A few hours later the butler came back up stairs. He knocked on the door and Alex paused the game and opened the door.

"Alex can you please come down to dinner with sir Garfield." The butler said.

Alex nodded and turned off the game. The butler went down stairs. Alex put a blue tank top on. He picked me up and headed down stairs.

The dining room was giant like ever other room. He sat down at the the end of the table an his dad at the other. I was sitting on Alex's lap.

The chef came out. She was skinny blonde. But she looked like she could hold her own in a fight. She was american and she looked perky.

"I have made for you today shrimps and lobsters. And for the baby I have made mashed sweet potatoes and chocolate milk. And for desert mint ice cream." She said as the waiters brought out the food.

Alex picked up a spoon and started feeding me. I ate it with a smile because sweet potatoes are my favorite. I finished eating and took the milk bottle. Alex put me on the floor. I turned into a cat and I was reddish.

I sucked on the milk. It tasted so good. And it so much easier than drinking from a normal glass. I miss my penguin Jack.

"Son are you enjoying Garfield?" Slade asked

He nodded and glanced at me and winked. Like what's going in with this winking thing do all of these people have a eye twitching problem. Alex then finished his food. He picked up the ice creams and me and started walking to the back yard. It was giant like the size of a football field

He carried me over to a white building. There where like six different buildings. Each where named by a group of animal. We were entering the bird building.

We passed by penguins and parrots. I watched as the penguins swam and the parrots talked about Alex. Yes the parrots were talking about Alex. U guess his dad talked to the parrots about his now silent son.

He stopped at habitat. It looked like there was nothing in it. He opened im the door and walked in. He sat down and placed me on the leaf covered floor. I was still a cat I jump on a log. And I started to explore. I then saw a brown thing walking along the ground I tried to take a closer look. But it ran away.

It ran to Alex and it hopped on his lap. I turned into my baby state after I hopped down. I crawled over to Alex. I looked at the strange thing and recognized it. The little thing was a Kiwi not the fruit the bird.

I looked at Alex."Why are we with a kiwi?" I asked.

Alex started typing and I read. I was grossed out by the time I finished reading. I looked at him in horror.

"Youuu whatt mee to mate with thattt?" I asked he nodded happily. "Why should I?" I asked.

He started typing. I read and to my dismay the bird thing was endangered and if I turned into one and mated with this one. I could save the species.

"Alright. But does she have any STDs?" I asked.

He typed no. He then gave me a look of thanks.

"Ok one you can't ever tell my girlfriend that I did this. Two give me and the bird some piracy. And three turn those cameras off." I said. He nodded.

He left and I didn't start until I saw the camera's lights turn off. I then turned into a kiwi and started doing the dirty work.

30 minutes later.

I call for Alex to let me out. He came and opened the door. He owed me big time and so did that bird.

"Dude you owe me that was horrible." I said.

He nodded. He carried me back up stairs. He laid me on the bed. He change me. This time just letting me wear a diaper. And he started to change. He just took off his clothes and he put on some boxers. He laid down next to me on the bed. He turned on the tv and statue watching the mocking jay. I fell asleep.

Raven's POV

"So first we can stop in Gotham and stay with batman and night wing for the night and then we will go to general city in the morning. And we could ask the flashes to help us." Megan said.

"That's a great plan. How close are we to Gotham?" I said.

"Fifteen minutes. Sorry that we couldn't use the bioship. The team is using it. Oh and would be okay when we get back to stay for a couple of days with Connor?" She asked.

"Of course we have plenty of room. And I can't wait to see Connor again." I said.

A few minutes later we landed in Gotham. We went to Bruce's house where we were greeted by Alfred.

"Hi you guys." Said Zatanna.

She ran over and gave me and Megan a hug. Night-wing was behind her. He gave us both a hug.

"So what brings you two here?" He asked.

"Oh we need to stay the night before we head over to General City." I said.

"Oh alright I will go prepare rooms for you." He said walking off.

"So Zatanna I need your help." I said.

"What do you need?" She asked. 

"Well when I called you today to track Beast boy. He was kid napped and he was turned into a toddler. So Raven want to know do you know any spells to turn him back." Megan said.

"I do but it will take two people to cast it. So will be happy to come with you." She said.

"Thank you so much I said." I said.

"Oh a guess what? Me and Richard are getting married." Zatanna said.

"I am so happy for you. And now me and Beast boy are a couple." I said.

"I always believed in Brave (aka Beast boy and Raven for those who don't know how to ship)." Said Zatanna.

"Me to." Said Megan.

"Really both of you shipped us together." I said.

"Of course you to are like the perfect couple." Said Megan.

"It's true." Zatanna said giggling.

"Now is any body hunger?" Zatanna asked.

"Yes!" Me and Megan said.

"Ok then. Raeppa ydaerla dekab yekrut." She said. And suddenly she was holding a cooked turkey.

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