Chapter 12

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I was freaking out. Death-stroke was in front of me. And half of my bones were already broken. I must look so pathetic. I decided to talk my way out until I my human starfish hybrid DNA heals my bones. I changed into part starfish.

"I didn't know that you loved me enough to visit." I said. I watched as I surprised him that I could talk.

"How can you speak?" He asked.

"I was transformed by magic. But I don't think it got to my brain or vocal cords. Well it got to my vocal cords but it only made my voice higher." I say.

I could feel most of my bones were fusing together. The feeling was unpleasant. I looked back at him. I could tell this wasn't part of the plan.

"So your going to come quietly. I will handle you with care since those idiots hurt you. I sorry about that. I know I am supposed to hate you but I can't help loving a baby." He said

"Why should I come with you?" I said.

"Because I won't break your bones little red head. And I will give you ice cream. And also my son needs to see there is still Beauty in life. And if you show him that I will return you to the titans." He said.

"Ok." I said. What am I doing? Well he is telling the truth because animals can sense it. He arrives me out the room.

Ravens POV

How could they not know where he is? This is a stupid hospital don't they have tons of fudging cameras. And now I am crying which is scaring the others. Oh yeah I forgot they have never seen me cry.

"Raven we will find him." Robin said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I want him back Robin. I can't take this much longer. And I want to kill the hive Five for taking him in the first place." I said still sobbing.

"I know. And the next time we see them all healed up you can go full devil and pound them until you get tired." He said.

I floated out of the room. I hated not having my fuzz ball around and now I don't know where he is. It is killing me. I floated into the bathroom and locked the door. I sat and cried.

Authors notes. Sorry peoples that I am torturing Raven. I hoped you liked this chapter. Please comment  questions, ideas/suggestions and anything else. Please like and thank for supporting this story.

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