Chapter 9

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Authors note I am so happy you guys like it. Comment more ideas and I will add them into the book. Ok cool.

I woke up with alarms. I didn't like it even when I was big in hated it. I watched as Raven put me down. I guess she had picked me up when I fell asleep on Robin. I hope no one took pictures of that. I waved to Raven.

"Oh your awake. Well the team had to go a mission and your no help to us as a baby. So we figured we would leave you here." She said.

"Fine but before you go I need a change." I said.

"Alright." She said.

She picked me up and put me on the changing table they setup in my room. She grabbed a lot more things than last time. She took off the old diaper wiped me up. And put lotion, powder and oil. Not in that exact order. She taped me up put me in a onesie. She sat me down in front of the tv with cereal the small baby kind and a baby bottle filled with soy milk. She gives me the remote and leaves with the others.

I then start crawling to the fridge because I want ice cream. I grab my stuffed penguin along the way. I turn into a baby kangaroo and put my penguin in my pouch. I then hop on the counter and onto the fridge. I then open it with my paws. I like how easy it was and they said I was useless. I hoped on the door then turned back into a baby. I finally got inside the fridge to get the ice cream. I crawled in with my penguin. That I have now named jack. I grabbed the ice cream and was about to crawl out when the door slammed shut.

I tried to turn into different animals but the all where in baby form and the fridge didn't have enough space for me to change into most of them. I was tired so I turned into a baby penguin like jack and fell asleep cuddle with him.

I woke up I guess a few hours later. Still a penguin. I was hungry so I opened a ice cream tub. It was vanilla and chocolate swirl. I started eating. I got body freeze. I stop eating. I the cuddled with jack and took another nap.

It had to be night time by the time I woke up and I heard people talking.

"I don't know where beast boy is we looked every where." Cyborg said. "So since I am depressed I am having some ice cream."

I started peeping trying to call them. I ran up against the the door. It thumped but didn't open. I hurt my head. I then heard the other approach the freezer. I was a little scared. I huddled next to jack. Cyborg opened the door and had a plasma gun in his hand. I hide behind jack. He lowered his gun.

Raven ran to the freezer and grabbed me. I felt much warmer in her embrace. The frost on my feathers melted away.

"Why where you in the freezer?" She said softly.

"I was trying to get ice cream an I got locked in." I said.

"Oh it's alright." She said.

The rest of the tell was looking at me so I hide in Ravens arms and cloak. I was still cold. So Raven wrapped me in a blanket. She sat me on Robin so that we could watch a movie. At the explosion I wet and leaked a little on Robin. He just pulled a napkins and wiped his leg. I am so glad he didn't say anything.

I then once again I fell asleep and I woke up.

There was some people in front of me. It was the hive five.

Authors notes I hoped you liked this chapter please vote and comment. It would also help to give ideas. Because currently I am taking ideas from my little sister. Don't worry she said it was ok to use them. So you can help by commenting things you want to see in the book.

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