Chapter 23

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Raven POV

I was eating so much food that I looked like Wally who was eating beside me. I looked at Megan who was still eating hot dogs and this was her 50th one. I watched as Zatanna used her magic to make her be able to eat more.

"Well since everyone likes my food so much maybe I should stop being new anchor and open my own restaurant." Iris west said stepping out of the kitchen.

"No you can't do that I watch you every morning." I said.

"Yeah you right it wouldn't work out because my husband and nephew will probably eat all the food." She said.

I laughed. Wally and flash made a face. I decide I couldn't eat anymore and then Wally took my plate and ate the rest.

Zatanna gave up when she finished her 20th piece of cake. And Megan gave up when she ate all the Oreos. I then got up and went to the weight thing they kept in the bathroom.

I watched as the meter went up as I stepped on it. Wow I gain 50 pounds. It was horrible. I quickly used magic to slim my self down. I looked like normal but I was still very very full. I went back into and saw that Megan couldn't really walk. I knew how to get ride of this.

"Megan you need to speed up your metabolism like the flashes. so either turn into part hummingbird or you turn into Wally." I said.

"Alright." She said as she turned into a girl version of Wally.

She started running in place so fast that we couldn't even see a blur. She then stopped and I looked at her. She looked liked he had been on a training program for years. She was tone and firm then she turned back to her normal Megan self.

"Ok Zatanna now it's your turn." I said waving my finger at her. I made her stomach smaller. It got so flat just like Megan's and u stopped.

"Ok. Thanks for the food Mrs.Allen. Now we have to go." I said.

"Your welcome." She said before she started cooking again.

"Wait I want to come." Artemis said.

"Alright." I said.

"Come on we have to hurry because I stole Wally's running goggles." She said.

"Run!" I yelled. As we got into the stolen batwing.

Authors note I hope you like it. The last chapter is coming up. I will then be writing another book so don't be sad. And if my spelling is bad which it is I will correct it later.

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