Chapter 19

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Beast boy's POV

"Ok how can I tell you this?" Slade said.

"Well in a way that's not confusing and a way that doesn't freak me out more than I am already." I said.

"Ok. We where just getting started in life. We both had just gotten jobs at the comic book shop. We soon fell in love. We were engaged and then we had a child. We had just gotten married and we were going on a trip with Alex." He said and stopped.

"Go on."o said.

"The plane broke apart. Me and Alex got pulled with the back half. And the we crashed in one if the Great Lakes. She made it out ok. We were lost in Canada. The new said there were no survivors of the crash. during that time Alex lost his voice and canary scream do to the accident. and by the time we got back she was engaged to Green Arrow. So I don't want to mess up her life so I stay here with Alex." He said.

"Ok that explains everything except how you became rich." I said.

"Ok I got most of my money from when my parents died. I also struck oil in five different places and I have tons of gold." He said.

"But I think you should be able to see Black Canary after almost this time. She deserves to see her child and her husband." I said.

"Yes this maybe true but this could mess up her already nice life and I want her to be happy.she deserves that." He said.

"I know but I will get you in to see Black Canary." I said.

"Alright if you want to buy I am not going to push you to do it. Now get back to bed Alex is waking up." He said.

I nodded. I just grew the wings and flew back to Alex. I morphed back into a baby and laid down in the bed. I was pondering how I could tell her this. Like how do you tell Black Canary goodish bad news and not get yelled at. Because I really want to be able to hear at 20. Alex woke up and stretched. He looked at me.

He poked my diaper. I looked at it and saw a giant patch if it was yellow. I hope Slade didn't see it. But then his face looked to sad to notice anything. Alex got up and got another diaper and a wash cloth.

We started to change me. I was just relaxed not embarrassed about this any more. I looked at him he looked happier than the first day I came here. I watched as he cleaned me up. He was getting ready to put another diaper on me when stopped. He snapped his fingers.

"What's up Alex." I said.

He picked up his phone and started typing. I was used this routine. I started reading the words he was typing. It said I have to take a shower and give you a bath.

"Hey I can take showers." I said.

He typed. Not by yourself.

"Why not?" I asked

You could hurt your self he typed.

"Fine." I said.

Took picked me up off the diaper. He grabbed two wash cloths and two towels. We entered into his bathroom. It was giant it had a hot tub. The bath tub looked just like the bath tub except it had a curtains and a shower head.

He put me in the tub and turned the water on. The tub had little places where you could sit down. I sat down on it and watched the water rise at my feet. I looked behind me and saw Alex get into the tub. And yes he was in the nude to, but I don't see anything wrong with it. I am a baby and he like a big brother even though I an technically older.

I watched as e put soap in the water. I saw the foam go over my legs. I really couldn't drown but I could see that Alex didn't want to take a chance. I turned into a otter. I moved quickly through the water. I nipped at Alex's feet causing him to squirm.

I saw him watching something on his phone but didn't think anything of it and went back to swimming. I then turned into a baby bull shark. I was going to try to scare Alex.

I pushed my fin above the surface. I then swam over to him. He freaked out and jumped out if the tub. I turned back to normal. I laughed and he started laughing to. And then I stared at him.

"What? I there something on me?" He asked.

"No ,but your speaking." I said.

"Yes yes my voice came back. We have to go tell my dad." He said.

"Dude wait you have to put clothes on me and on you to." I said.

"Ok." He said wrapping a towel around me and another one around his waist.

He quickly put a diaper on me. Then he quickly got dressed. He carried me and flew out of his room. We entered his dad's office. He was working on his computer.

"Dad guess what?" Alex said smiling.

"Wait what your talking!" He said.

Authors notes. I hope you like this chapter. Please comment and like.

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