Chapter 13

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Beast boy POV

I let the killer pick me up. Now I only had a broken leg. I healed everything else. He jumped out the window and got in a limo. I was surprised he did this with an injured baby in his arm. I was happy that the limo had a tv and a snack fridge.

I guess he must have been rich before turning evil. He handed me the remote. I had recently formed a love for little kid shows for some reason but I would never tell the others this.

I really didn't want to seem weak in front of my enemy so I decided to watch another movie. I decided to watch Jurassic park. I alsol decided that I was hungry so I got some chocolate milk and cheese puffs. I knew I couldn't open the food and drink packages so I pushed it towards Death-stroke.

"Can you please open these?" I asked.

"Ok." He said.

He picked up the bag and the milk. He open them and handed them back to me. He got a soda and some Doritos and settled in to watch the movie.

We watched the movie and started the second when I fell asleep. Don't worry I took so measure to make sure he didn't do anything. One when I started to dose off I grew porcupine quills. And I had a fly watching him.

I woke up and the fly told me he was just watching the movie. I was glad to hear that. I sucked in my red quills and I moved the necklace on my neck. I haven't really thought about the necklace until now. It reminded me of Raven.

"We are here." He said. Snapping me out of my thoughts.

He picked me up. I grabbed my snacks before we fully picked me up. I looked at the giant house in front of me. I was so amazed that a super villain's house could look so friendly. It was my like any of the other houses on the block.

It was dark blue with a wonderful garden in the front. The house was five stories tall. I bet he has a butler. I like that it looked so welcoming. We entered the house.

"Good day sir." Said the butler. I knew he had one. I hope he's like Alfred.

"Can you please order some baby supplies for at least a week." Slade said.

"Yes sir. Any thing else? Maybe a cup of tea?" He said.

"No thank you. Unless do you want anything?" he said looking at me.

"Maybe some chocolate milk." I said. I watched the butlers eyes widen. Like seriously no one has ever seen a baby talk before. Haven't the seen that Nation wide commercial. Well at least I think it is nation wide but I could be wrong.

"Yes sir." He said walking to the giant room which looks like a kitchen.

"Now beast-boy this is the first time I kidnaped you for good reasons. I want you to make my son see that life is worth living. He has been depressed ever since he had lost his voice. Please don't tell him you can talk but you can show your powers." He said.

"Why should I?" I asked knowing I was going to do it.

"Because you are a hero you are supposed to save people even from them selves. So please save my son Alex." He pleaded.

"Alright. I will do it but I want to be able to swim and fly and have ice cream." I said.

"Alright. I have indoor and out door pools and I have a endangered animal breeding program in my back yard with habitats. An I have a fully stocked fridge." He said.

"Why are you evil again?" I asked.

"Because it is fun to me. And a few other reasons." He said.

"Alright call your son down." I said.

"Alex come down please I have someone for you to meet." He said.

He came down silent as a mouse. He was about 15. He had black hair and sea green eyes. He was about five foot two. He was had a runner and swimmer type build. He seemed friendly. I saw that he had a head band around his head. It had a screen so i guessed that he typed what he want to say and the head band shows it.

"I need you to take care of this baby. He had powers but I don't know what they are. So I need you to take care of him for a little while." Slade said.

He started typing. His screen said "Alright". He passed me to him. He winked at me and walked away into another room.

Authors not I hope you like this. Don't worry Raven going to see beast-boy again and I am putting in a romantic date so stay calm. Please comment questions, ideas and suggestions.

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