Chapter 23

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Ellie's POV

"A month?" I ask.

"Yeah," Niall says, smiling a little, "That makes one month less of pregnancy, and one less month until you see Luke again."

Which is still two and a half months.

"What have I missed?" I ask. "We finished recording our last album," Niall says, looking at me.

I open my arms and he hugs me. "It's been quite the adventure, hasn't it?" I ask. "Yeah, I'll miss it, but I have a family," he says, "And Zayn and Perrie have Brian, and one more on the way."

"Perrie's pregnant?" I ask. "You missed a lot," he says, chuckling.

"So, how are the Aussies?" I ask. "Umm," he looks at his phone, "They have a concert in Hong Kong in hour and seven minutes."

"Oh my God I have to talk to him!" I exclaim, "Umm, give me your iPad." He hands me it.

I call him and he answers while my hand is over the camera. "What's up Niall?" he sighs.

I uncover the camera. "Surprise," I say, smiling.

His frown quickly turns into a huge smile. "Ellie!" he exclaims, "Oh my God you guys, it's Ellie!" "I've missed you baby," I say. "Damn, you wouldn't believe how much I've missed you."

"Me too," I tell him. The other boys appear on the screen. "Ellie!" Ashton exclaims. "Hi guys," I say, waving and smiling. I couldn't be happier.

"When did you wake up?" Luke asks. "A few minutes ago," I tell him, "I just wanted to wish all of you luck before your show in Hong Kong. Kill it out there."

"Alright, I'll talk to you after we're finished," Luke says. "Of course, bye," I say, smiling before I hang up.

"Who's been watching Blue?" I ask them. "Mia's been at your house this whole time," Bella tells me, "Brooklyn would have, but he had to get back to Manchester."

I smile at the though of him, one of my closest friends. "I'll call him later," I say, "Do I get out of this place now?"

"Yes, of course," the nurse says, "Physical activity should be fine from here on out, the babies should be just fine. Congratulations Ellie, you're out of the high chance of a miscarriage."

I smile. "Alright, I can't wait to get home honestly," I say, smiling.

"Well then goodbye Mrs Hemmings!" the nurse exclaims, smiling a nice smile. "Thanks and bye," I tell her before we leave.

I get in the back seat of the car. Bella and Niall sit up front and Niall starts down the highway to my house.

"We have to go home today," he tells me, "But if you go anywhere, make sure someone is with you. I wouldn't want anything happening to the twins."

"Neither would I, one scare is enough," I tell him, smiling. I walk out of the car and into the house, where I find Mia feeding Blue.

The dog barks at the sight of me and skids across the hardwood floor and halts at my feet, jumping around.

I pick her up and look at Mia. "Ellie!" she exclaims, running over to hug me, "I've missed you so much! A month is way too long."

"Dude, I agree," I tell her, "But I have to call Brooklyn and Perrie and Zayn." "I get it, we'll talk with some Netflix and ice cream," she says, smiling as I walk upstairs.

I take my phone out of my pocket and call Brooklyn first, basically telling him that I am so thankful for what he has done and that I hope to keep in touch.

I call Perrie and Zayn next.

Perrie answers my facetime almost as soon as I start it. "Ellie Bear!" Zayn shouts, "I'm so happy you're okay. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I've heard that Perrie is pregnant again!" I exclaim. "We're hoping for a girl this time," Perrie says, smiling. Zayn smiles wider, putting his arm delicately around her waist.

"You thought of names yet?" I ask. "Not really," Zayn says. "I said that if it was a boy, the middle name would be either Javaad or Zain with an I, but Zayn says no," Perrie says.

I look at Zayn. "Normally the dad fights for his name to be in the baby's name," I say, "And you'd better hope its a girl, or Luke will be all over Lukey Poo junior again."

"Oh yeah," Zayn says, chuckling. "Thanks for taking my side Ellie!" Perrie exclaims, "If its a boy, it shall be middle named Zain or Javaad, no matter what!"

Zayn sighs. "Well, we'll talk later," he says. "We were planning on flying in for a few days maybe next week, that cool?" Perrie asks.

"Of course," I say, "And I've got to go, Netflix is calling." Perrie laughs. "Brian's calling us, bye," she says before hanging it up.

I walk downstairs. "Mean Girls?" Mia asks. "Oh yes, you go Glen Coco," I say, laughing. "We wear pink on Wednesdays," Mia says in a prissy voice, making me laugh and her almost fall off the bar stool she is sitting on in the kitchen.

We walk to the living room and start the movie, laughing our heads off until the Aussies facetime us, and then some more laughing until it ends.







Yaaaaaayyyyy another update!

Exciting news everyone, I've starting thinking up the story line for Adopted by Liam Payne, and its brilliant. I've even though up a 5SOS entrance and a really interesting twist ;)

That'll be published when this is over, a sad, sad day far, far away from now.

Alright, bye now!


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