Chapter Ten

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"Yo Trey, man you good?" Jay called breaking me out of my trance.


"I've been calling your name for a minute nigga, What you thinking about over there?"

Us fellas were outside standing on the patio at Tim and Kelly's house smoking kush after most of the company left.

"This whole Mario and Tae thing."

"Why? He ain't a threat. Ain't nobody had her like you have." Jay reassured me.

"I know but it still kinda bothers me to know that he was with her."

"Everyone has a past though. You can't fault her for that." Tim told me.

"The fact that he's been with my wife fucks me up mentally. To know they were together in that capacity fucks with me." I replied taking a puff.

"Think of it this way. Somebody had you before your wife did." Jay said with a smirk, "actually somebody had you while you was with her..."

"Don't start that shit," I said as him and Tim laughed, "I just got back in good. We ain't even bout to dwell on that convo too long."

"I'm fucking with you." He laughed, "Everything going good with y'all so far?"

"Perfect. Its like we picked up right where we left off." I replied as I took another pull from my blunt.

"My nigga." He replied, "i'm proud of y'all, I want to see y'all make it real bad."

"I think we good," I admitted, "the Steffon nigga thought he had found him one. He thought wrong."

"I feel him, y'all know them Knowles girls is bad as fuck." Tim said speaking up.

Jay and I both turned to look at him.

What the fuck did he just say?

"No disrespect." He quickly added, "but any nigga is gon try to get with them as soon as they're available. They're super fine."

I looked at Jay confused.

Did dude just low key tell us he checks out our women?

"We blessed to have beautiful wives, but I'd like to think that y'all got a little more lucky than I did." He added.

That was it.

His weird ass was always saying out of line shit. I had to check him this time.

"Your wife is very attractive too though. It's like you short changing Kelly to tell us how fine our women are. Fuck Mario, looks like I need to be worried about you." I replied partially joking.

"I ain't short changing shit. Facts are facts. Tae and Bey make Kelly look regular as fuck on her best day. They look better, they sing and dance better, they're more successful. The proof is in the pudding." He said looking out into the night as he took a puff of his own joint.

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