Truth with Blood bath

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'C'mon... you can do it... C'mon Vicky.. You can beat this newbie...Vicky..Vicky..", the crowd was howling Vicky's name. Seeing crows screaming his name, he shrugged his shoulder, tighten his grip made a tough punch of his fingers and gave a tight punch leaving the person to collided with the net of the wrestling ring... He got agitated and proud of himself.. And why wouldn't he no one can stand infront of his strength. The crowd was barking his name.. Betting on him giving bookies lot of opportunities to win with this fight. The crowd was local crowd, it was a scenario of a street fight wrestling ring. This time Vicky, every time winner of this ring and renowned goon was fighting with a newbie, a boy who wasn't ready to give up infront of him.

This is the first time someone could able to stand infront of him for that much long. This boy is not just ready to give up, he could hardly able to touch him and is already been all drained in blood still fighting. It seems he is fighting not with him but with himself.

Here, he recalled all the misers and events infront of him, gathered himself with all strength and gave a final blow to Vicky, the champion. His one punch was so hard, so much tough and heavy that it blown Vicky down and made him unconscious. First time the local crowd seen a newbie to make Vicky looses on his ring, making him fall down that he couldn't able to get up again.

Refree take 5 seconds and later on made him the winner, the whole crowd was silent. There was pin drop the whole crowd, a champion their boss, the great goon was been defeated by a new person. His blood red eyes saw the crowd and asked them ,"Hi.. People... why you all are so silent...c'mon say my name... Say.. Kartik...Kartik...Kartik".  And we see the boy who defeated Vicky was none other than our Kartik.

He was all beaten up, still a strange smile was floating on his face, the smile was not of victory neither of any other happiness of winning money, why would he be needed money, he is already bloody rich. This smile was hiding the pain, turmoil of pain going on within his soul. His eyes were showering the pain, that can't be define yet he said people to cheer his name up. He want to distract himself, drown himself in the cheer of people calling his name rather than soaking himself in the voice of that one person whose voice is not letting him sleep, eat, drink or rather let him take a breath.

Sorry, short part but I'll continue soon....Till then Enjoy it.

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