Kartik is safe...!!!

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After some time, Doctor came stating the condition of Kartik, Naira rushed to him asking," Doctor... how is my...my Kartik.. How is he ??"

Doctor said that he is out of control, but still he need rest. They'll shift him soon to the ward, but they'll keep him under observation for 24 hours and then only can give him discharge. Saying he went, but suddenly he turned and said," Who is Naira amongst you..?"

Naira came forward, posing herself, Words were just not forming, she was out of words , all this much happen in few hours that she has lost all her words to convince herself of everything being good. Doctor continued," Patient was calling all you name during the whole operation.."

Somehow Naira was feeling guilty of not understanding her Kartik, in these years if he had went into pain, then Kartik was also not in less pain. He was in equal pain. Soon he was shifted to Ward. He gained conscious to see everyone Shingania and Goenka standing there but not his Lady love. Manish came forward caressing his son's head," How are you feeling Kartik..!". Kartik nodded gently, he was in no mood in talking to anyone. He felt so guilty of himself and was angry that right now, he don't want to face anyone. He sees each and every person as guilty as he and Naira for spoiling their relation. It is like not their relation has been spoiled but also the relation between the families has become sour. He do not want to face any one, not a single person. He signalled Manish to come closer and whispered in his ears," Papa I want to rest, right now I don't want to meet anyone. Could you please let everyone knew to exist from room and let me live in peace..".

Manish could understand what is flowing inside his son's head, he nodded in affirmation and asked everyone to let him take rest. Reluctantly everyone moved out. Manish somehow convinced everyone to reside their home, let Kartik get discharge first and then we all can sit around and think.

At night, Kartik was alone in the ward but sleep was all away from his eyes and why not, last thing he want to see his Naira and it's been whole day since he has opened his eyes, didn't even get a chance to see a glimpse of her. Feeling defeated he closed his eyes, when he heard small footsteps entering his room. Not wanting to any one of his family he kept his eyes closed so that who ever it is will the room thinking he is asleep. Slowly he felt his hands been held in pair of hands who are always there for him to hold tight, whom he always held in his hands. How can he forget the touch, suddenly he felt wetness in his eyes, he took a second for him to realize that she is crying.

Naira, taking his hands in his she finally cried her heart out," I love you.. I am sorry the day I said I hate I really didn't mean it... but today I mean it saying I love you Mendak.. My Kartik.. I love you..". Saying he bent her head down infront of him when she heard a voice same as cracking as her voice," I love you too my sherni.. My Naira.. I love you a lot.. I am sorry for being so rude, no heartless ... but I really didn't meant to hurt you a bit.. I have always loved you. I love you...". Naira finally look into his eyes.

Both were crying, crying the happening went to them in past years. He brought her forward, making space he led her laid beside him enclosing her within his arms. Both of them missed so much of each other. Kartik enclosed her tightly and she too clutched him as tightly as she could. Slowly both of them went into deep slumber. After all after so many years both of them could able to sleep peacefully. First time in these years they felt content and satisfy and why today they have each other and that too for a long time.. For sure.

Broken Bones plays Cupid (Kaira SS) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now