Kartik is Kidnapped !

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The clip states that

Hello Goenka Family... how are you guys, I know you all must be wondering about the whereabouts of your beloved son, brother, grandson and ofcourse husband.. So let me give you some updates... he is with me... and if anyone tries to reach police, private investigator, detective or any kind of person who could help to get your Kartik Goenka than please don't try... it's only you people who can get him back.

Note that I am pretty serious, I do not want any kind of intelligence, else you wouldn't know how much could be the consequences be. Well you see it, unless you don't love your son.


"Kartik is kidnapped, but who could have kidnapped him. What wrong he had done, he no wrong.. He is innocent. Why anyone want to harm him. He is already hurt, wounded and above all he is now kidnapped... he is totally frog mendak Papa.. he never listens to me..." Naira exclaimed, scolding Kartik and stating all his doing to Manish. He hugged and consoled her and said," Don't worry beta.. He will be fine.."

Akhilesh straightforwardly call his friend who is also in CBI for help and state him all the scenario. Swarna was already went numb hearing Kartik's kidnapping she was already taken room. Kartik's Dadi sat infront of her lord to bring her Kartik back. Surekha was keeping all the arrangement of food and informed Singhania family as well.

There, Aditya was mocking in his own way to Kartik. He went outside and returned after sometime.

Aditya: It's time to give your family a dose. It seems they have not taken my threat too seriously...

Kartik acted a bit confused, when two goons come and opened his roped, before he could connect what is happening, he saw a big figure entering the room. It didn't took kartik to realize that it's same person whom he had beaten blue and black in the wrestling ring.

Kartik: You... ooh so you have joined hands with Aditya..ofcourse.. What I can expect from a street goon like you...Vicky

Before Kartik could continue a huge punch came and blown away Kartik. A scream came from Kartik but before he could understand what is happening another blow came to his face, making him fall on the ground. It was hard quiet hard and being wounded already getting blow on same place was actually not bearable.

Vicky knew the sport where he hit, he hit it again making Kartik to scream like hell. Here Kartik couldn't counter attack and opponent's punches and kicks were making the voice to escape from his mouth. It's not just physical pain coming out but all the pain he had stored for these 2 years within him was coming out.

Naira hold her ears, as if something within her was crushing and she just couldn't bear it out. Kirti hugged Naira and said," Naira I guess you should relax a bit, you are taking too much stress and you need to take medicine..."

Naira in her hiccups," No... Bhabhi... I.. I won't take anything.. My Kartik... he is pain..."

Kirti snapping her out," Why do you care...

Naira: I do care bhabhi... I tried a lot but I can't help myself caring for him.. I can't....I really... stilll... saying he hugged Kirti... a lone tear dropped from Kirti's eyes. Knowing what her little brother and sister in law going through somewhere she felt content that finally Naira blurted her feelings and that what is more important... now her thoughts are more positive.. She prayed god of well beings of Kartik's because now he has his Naira to care about him back

After few hours, in dead night they received another pen drive. Akhilesh friend had made arrangements to trace the clipping but the person was too smart and they couldn't trace it. This time it was a video clip.

A man appears covering his face and said," Typical Goenka.. This could be expected from you all.... I knew that you will still involve police in this.. See I told you if I get to know consequences would be quiet deadly... now see your self.."

Naira, Manish, Kirti, Naksh, Akhilesh and Naitik's their heart was pounding very hard what could be it... is Kartik safe.. When they saw Kartik falling down with a huge punch by a goon. Before they could gather what had happened, they saw Kartik getting badly beaten up by a goon and he was just getting beaten by it. The more scary to them was his scream it was too loud to bear for them to hear.

Last was Kartik lying down lifeless, in a bucket of his own blood...

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