Where is Kartik ?

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Kartik gained his conscious when someone splashed coldwater on his face, he took a deep breath and tried to move but he couldn't move an inch, was being tied quiet strong to pillar.

His bronchial were paining alot but still, he gather the leftover strength in him and make a hard struggle to move when he was interrupted by Aditya,"Don't even Try my brother in law"

Kartik snapped him out," Don't you dare to call me that, I am no more related to you..

Aditya, giving his evil smile," Ooh please, I know you have broken all ties from me but that doesn't mean that I'll forget what relation we share with each other..."

Kartik eyes were bloodshot and warned Aditya dangerously," Aditya, don't you dare to commit anything from now on, You know very well what I am capable of.."

Aditya acted like he is scared of him, but he came and clutched his hair tightly, making Kartik to wince in pain and said,"Look who is saying, who himself is tied and warning me.. Haha typical Kartik... I wish you could have shown some Goenka thing in you but no.. typical Kartik. Always care of his family be it Luv-Kush, his sister, his brother or the person whom he loves the most his beloved wife."

Kartik eyes were oozing a dead glare, for instance Aditya scared seeing that look, he knew Kartik very well, way more. He very well knew what Kartik is capable of, if he instigate him more, he might ending up breaking the pillar and his bones. He distance himself a bit from wounded leopard, continued," I guess we should come to the point."

Kartik: For once I agree with you, so I know you very well how much money you needed.

Aditya, giving his wicked smile," You know me so well Kartik... yes I needed the money but then the question come how will Goenka give me the money, they will until you are with me, the key to their safe".

On the other hand, Manish was tensed. He gave a call to Kartik but his phone was not reachable. He was getting restless, somewhere he was feeling something's not right. He thought a lot, where Kartik would, though to everyone he told that he has gone to Office but he knew that he has visited hospital to get any news about Naira's injury. He straightforwardly went to hospital and barged to the doctor's cabin.

Manish: I am really doctor for disturbing you like this, but I really can't help, did Kartik my son did he paid visit here ???

Dr: Oooh so you are Mr. Goenka, I must say you have given very nice upbringing to your son, he is such a good man. Else, in today's generation who took so much pain for his wife.

Manish controlling his anxiety," Yes Dr. I know, he loves his wife a lot..very much can do anything for her.."

Dr: Yes, I cam see so..

Manish trying to bring the topic," So did.. Did my son Kartik did he paid visit to you.."

Dr.: Yes.. yes few hours before, yeah I know.. What you want to ask, you daughter in law's operation was superb, now she can dance just need to rest for 2 weeks precisely..

Manish was very happy listening this, finally it happened what his son wanted, but then where is he... he asked again,"You mean Kartik left the hospital long time.."

Dr: Yes he left around 4 hours before..

Manish was very tensed, he exited from the cabin thinking where Kartik could be, he called," Akhilesh, I am no where able to find Kartik he is now where neither in office nor in the hospital where Naira was operated, I though he'll come here but he has left from here long time. I am really afraid, what if he has went to street fight again, just go and check Akhilesh.."

Stating he shut his phone down and turned only to get shocked thrice, Naira was standing there teary eyed, he heard everything. Taking baby steps she came to him, shaking him, " Papa... what are you saying,, you mean.. Kartik.. He did called doctor for my injury, he knew about my injury...!! He knew...". She couldn't complete her words and hugged Manish, he hugged her back, he knew his daughter needed him. He took her to nearby garden and asked about her injury.

She asked him again," Papa... please tell me the truth... I want to know what had happened to Kartik...Please papa.." Seeing her vulnerable state Manish couldn't control himself but still he couldn't say anything. He said," I am sorry beta... I am really sorry but I am bound to not to reveal anything.."

Saying he went from there, leaving all perplexed, confused and in pain not because she was hurt but because her Kartik was hurt and she wasn't there to heal his pain.


Finally I updated.

Sorry for short update, will try to update a bigger part. This Short Story is not more than 2-3 parts.

Do you guys want a hard core romantic update on final Karia Milan (Though I have not thought of Kaira Milan till now..). Do let me know through your comments section.

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