Finally Together

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In Morning, Manish and Naitik visit Kartik... seeing the sight infront of them a small smile appear on their face. Kartik and Naira both were sleeping peacefully, a certain peacefullness, content was their on their face and why not they have belonging of their love. They made a slight noise, waking them up. Soon, Doctor came to check up Kartik and said that he can be discharged. But Kartik was bit reluctant to visit home.

Manish, Naitik and Naira asked, he continued," Papa.. I know that it was Aditya behind all but still I can't forget what had happened...". Manish knew what Kartik was saying, he continued," I really can't go home... and moreover I won't be going home without my Naira..".

Naitik raises as question," But Kartik .. how can Naira..."

KArtik understood his point, though truth is out but still there are lot of things that need to be sorted out but they will take some time. Kartik said in assurance," I know Papa what are you referring too, believe me from today I won't be leaving my Naira and I know what your concern is, same is mine infact there are lot of things to be cleared at my end also... so I have decided something...If you agree only.."

Naiatik asked him to ahead, taking permission from Manish he said," I am thinking what if me and Naira shift our flat, where we have moved after marriage.. No matter what people say that's place of ours.. And it belongs to ours... it's the symbol of new beginnning.. And after so much hardship .. both me and Naira want a new beginning then only we can sort the things among other relations but we need to first initiate from our end..."

Naira was just looking at him with full of love, her mendak is no doubt is intelligent. But separating him from his family, she never wanted that. She tried to protest about it," But kartik.. You are not well and you need complete rest you need support of family and moreover whatever has happened Dadi, Maa, everyone want you to be there beside them.."

Kartik interrupted her," I know what you are trying to say Naira but no I can't go home.. I really can't face them..there are lot of things that you don't know.. And I can't tell you.. I am not saying you to move in with me today itself, because I knew it will be equally difficult for you.. All I am asking you a new journey with me.. And with this new journey I hope we can sort our relations but if you are asking me just go home and let bygones be bygones so that can't be possible..Papa.. please explain her.. There are certain things and I really can take step in home now after that.."

Manish getting it all supported Kartik," Yes Naira, somewhere Kartik is right.. But yes I won't force you to just begin your life, it's per you as well whether you want to start that life with Kartik or not. It's your life too. Just remember one thing if you decide to change your decision your husband will be there for you.. To the place you both have begin your life as husband and wife and I guess that would be the best place for you two to start it.. But again I am saying, I will not be imposing any pressure on you to accept it. It's all upto you. " Saying he went out with Naitik to complete the formalities of the discharge.

Naira was all thinking, Kartik was discharged and as decided he went to his flat much to dismay to Swarna. She was crying all along but Kartik refused to meet her. Naira was in her room, she was thinking about Kartik's proposal, somewhere she was feeling herself selfish, her Kartik loved her selflessly and here she is just being so selfish to only thing about herself. She just can't her love, his love just because of person and more over knowing the reality everything has changed, somewhere she agreed with Kartik's word that to untangle the relations that have now webbed in avery complicated way first is that they need to sort the things between them and that be possible only with the new beginning of their relation. But before she make any decision, she need to take a step, prior also she took it and now also she'll take it. The only difference is now she knew her KArtik will support her.. Thinking for a while she called someone.

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