My Wife

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All this were taking toll on his mind was getting for him to walk plus pain he was going to thought the fight. His arms has been injured but he is feeling more pain in his heart. He couldn't able to open the car door. He wiped the tears that brimmed in his eyes and slowly tried to open his car, but the pain in his arm seems to be touching his extreme.

His face was reflecting pain that was not becoming unbearable for Naira as well. She want to give him offer to and took him to venue and to more she wanted to hug him out, ease out all his pain. She was just thinking when she saw Kartik coming towards her, controlling his pain lest he knew she could see his pain very clearly. He went up to her and asked," Naira...!!". So much he wanted to ask her, hug her console her that he will make everything fine but then his mother's words echoed in his ears, what is he going to do.. his mind has just shut down he just wanted to run from there with his Naira.

Before Naira could answer Kartik made answer to himself, he knew she would have come to meet him, irrespective of pain he has provided her she still cares for him and what did he do, he felt so low of himself, want to redeem the things but then his mind overpowered his heart stating he had already done lot of damage and he shouldn't be doing anything that could hurt her even more. He answered, " Received a message from Lawyers, they want us to meet.. Shall we go together..".

For two purpose he asked, one he was deep pain and knowing he couldn't drive and second he'll get some time alone with her, all that could heal his pain. He prayed to his god internally that she agreed taking him. Here Naira though thought for sometime but then she agreed and said," Okay.. but only in one condition.. I'll drive" The only reason of her to state him this statement because she knew he is in deep pain and driving will only increase the contraction of his muscles and if she drove he'll have same relaxing drive and will help him to be better infront of others.

He simply nodded and sat on the passenger seat. Naira knew that Kartik was looking her sideways constantly but she tried to avoid it, but somewhere she couldn't control herself from getting affected his intense gaze and how can she control herself. Kartik noticed some changed behavior, she wasn't driving properly. He said," Naira drive safely.. you might ending up hurting your self.."

Naira retorted back," And what about you...?"

Kartik asked, perplexed of her question," What do you mean.. and please drive slowly.. u might hurt yourself. "

She replied to him not taking more than a second," Just like you ended up hurting yourself.."

Kartik was dumbfounded for moment, how she knew about it he composed himself and said taking a deep breath," what are you talking about stop the car first.."

Naira increased speed of the car and said ,"no until you tell me that what had happened to you first"

Kartik was now loosing his temper.. he tried to still compose himself and asked her again," What are you talking about Naira.. happened to me. Nothing happened to me.. but I am pretty sure .. something has happened to you..."

With each his conflict she was speeding up the car and sending shivers to Kartik. Kartik was wondering but this time saying words in his mind he spoke out loud," Hi Krishnaji, help us.. my Biwi has gone mad.."

Naira too accompanied him in his talking with Krishnaji and said," Yes Krishnaji, today mendak will see what can this Sherni can doo"

Kartik pleading to God," Oh Krishnaji, please tell this sherni she needn't to do anything this mendak of hers is already killed with her beauty and innocence." He stopped realizing what he just blurted out, even hearing what he said Naira stopped the car abruptly, and looked at him questiongly as if asking what was that. Kartik too was shocked to himself, how he can blurt such things, he didn't knew how these words slipped from his mouth.

He stammered, " What.. why are looking at me like this..". Lighting and diverting the mood he said, " Don't Naira, I belong to a very respectable family okay...".

Naira gave him what-are-you-talking look when he continued ," Listen you know na I am ready married.. If my wife would see she'll ...". Again he stopped in his tracks. However before Naira could digest the last sentence, she looked into his eyes, his face, his expression and burst out laughing. After so long she was laughing through her heart.

Kartik took the charge of driving, rest of the drive was in silence. Both were juggling and struggling with the intense conversation they were having with their heart and mind.

No, matter they tried to avoid but then he ended up saying things that bring all old memories back. He tried to calm himself but now in these recent days he couldn't. He knew he'll burst out everything but before he need to mend the things that he should have done. Knowing he can't win Naira back, only thing that left in his mind is to bring her happiness back that is her dance.

In lawyers, they were been told about the counselling they had few days after and prepared them that they should behave in a way that counselor is convinced to give to you Divorce instant itself. Now, this divorce procedure where Kartik want it to get it done, now how will he do. Should he..?? His mind was showering with lot of possibilities but then he thought he shouldn't be that selfish and should work on the happiness Naira should receive.

Naira's Lawyer," So Mrs. Kartik Goenka.. "

Naira: Yes Trivediji

Trivediji: Gotcha.. See you don't have to respond to Mrs. Kartik Goenka, rather you should have retorted me back saying that I should have addressed you as Ms. Naira Singhania..

Naiar was just listening to him obediently, where Kartik was amused that she responded to Mrs. Kartik Goenka.

Trivediji : So Naira Madam did ever Kartik tried to physically abuse you.. I mean violence and all

Both Naira and Kartik shouted at their core,"What". Naira said," No way .. and how dare to say such things about My Kartik.". Kartik supported Naira and said," How can you say that I'll hurt my Naira that much, you she is my sherni she is not afraid of anyone and I love her so.." He stopped in between, Naira gave him shocking look making him realize what he had blurted out. Both were avoiding each other gaze and here lawyers were smiling internally seeing the couple who pretend to be hating each other but soon they threw a bit accusation on one both of them stood to protect their partners claiming their love for each other.

Broken Bones plays Cupid (Kaira SS) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now