Thank you DAD

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** Thank you Thank you Guys... for your love and support....**

Manish just hugged him tightly, he was crying and why wouldn't he, his son was in such a pain and being father he couldn't able to find it out why his son was in pain and how easily he could able to hide that being his father he couldn't catch it.

Manish asked for forgiveness ," Kartik.. I am sorry beta.. I am really sorry...!! How could I not able to see your pain..!! I am such a bad father.. I am really sorry beta". Tears brimmed in his eyes as well.

Kartik held his hand, for the first time he could see a vulnerable main standing infront of him. He had never seen his father so low and weak, even when Shubham died still he was standing like a back bone of the family, but today he is not the same Man. He wasn't Manish Goenka standing infront if him instead neither his father, Kartik's father rather today he seeing a broken father standing infront. He held his father's hand enclosing it in his palm and  apologies to him ," No Papa, I am sorry papa.. You don't have be sorry.. It's my mistake.. It's always been my mistake Papa.. I failed to understand every relation of my life." Manish simply hugged him, tears formed in Kartik's eyes too, he continued hugging him,"First I failed to understand you papa, then Maa and now finally I failed my Naira... my Naira papa". Manish simply hugged his son tightly, he knew what Naira is for Kartik, she is above all to him. These two years has broken his son a lot, but every night he broke himself and next morning collect himself to stand for the family, but today's he wouldn't let him to keep his pain within himself. Let things fall out from him.

He made her sit near the bench, Kartik was still sobbing, Manish wiped his tears where Akhilesh comforted him. Mashi asked Kartik to continue, " Don't stop today Kartik, just spill all your pain today. You havee your father with you son.. don't worry about anyone just let your heart out tiday beta...".

Kartik following his father's advice continued, cause he too wanted to share, now he can't kept the things within him selves, " She suffered so much, just because of me Papa. All because of me. You, I used to have told her, never be far away from me, because I knew the time she is away from me she definitely get into any trouble and it had happened fewer times. But this time Papa .. things went too far.. I have never imagined... it but.. Now I can't control it.. I can't went to past and correct the things" Tears were just not stopping from his eyes, Manish hugged his child, today after all these many years he sees his Kartik, the small kartik crying his heart infront of his papa.

They asked Kartik  to tell them the truth, they promised they'll never share it with anyone but he should share with them, he'll feel good and light.  

Akhilesh said confronting yet soothing him," Kartik, son we knew you went to street fight ring yesterday..!!". Kartik was dumbfounded how did they know, who told them, he didn't tell his full name to anyone there and to doctor he have given enough money that he would surely not utter his name then how come..!. Akhilesh sensed question going through his mind, he continued,"Don't worry we didn't tell anyone... you are our son Kartik.. We knew what you do and where you go, we have never stopped you because we knew how in pain you have been going through.. After she left your life.. Happiness went from your life..Son. Yesterday as well, went you didn't reach home in time I contacted every where and myself went in search for you..! There I saw your car near the street fight. I didn't come to stop you because somewhere I knew if you havee chosen this that means you are in immense pain and nothing but this would surely help you drain your pain, your tension from your heart and soul. But I have never thought you would be beaten so much, I would have surely came and helped you out.. I am really sorry son !".

Kartik hugged his uncle, for first time in two years, he realized he has his uncle and his father were always been to his side and he was just closing himself in a closet all this long. Manish gave a comfort hug to his son and asked,"Beta.. I would request you.. Tell me what happened why did you went to fight that night.. What happened that you were not able to tell us and engulf in yourself such that you need went that ring to get rid of it".

Kartik took a breath and said,"Because I knew a major truth Papa, a truth that has shattered me that much, that you spill my inner pain I need to get hurt from outside. I wanted to hurt myself to the cure for being a demon to my love, my life and the beat of my heart and that's why went to the ring". 

Manish and Akhilesh were clueless of what Kartik was saying when he continued," I got know about Naira's leg injury. On the day Shubham's die... she was waiting for me on the terrace where her leg was slipped and fell down from terrace.. Papa...", he was taking hiccups because he couldn't able to continue. Manish hugged her son, he completed Kartik's sentence ," So that's why Naira can't dance because she was hurt that badly...". Kartik just hugged him tightly agreeing to his statement. Manish and Akhilesh were too broken hearing about it, all these 2 years Naira was suffering in such a great pain. Kartik continued," But the worst part is she went to terrace because she was waiting for me, she was being told that I will come there Papa and there she fell down. If she wouldn't have been waiting for she would be all fit and fine Papa...". Manish was equally," But who told her you will meet there.... Did you Kartik..?".

It's just then clicked him," I don't know Papa.. I really don't remember.... I really don't remember..!'. Manish questioned him again, it seems that there are some loopholes , " But then Kartik Beta if should have brought to Hospital why they called us about her..??"

Kartik was numb, because this was the toughest, how will he confess the truth to his father the actual thing that had pained to the core, that had shaken him. He took a deep breath and said," Actually mein jab hospital ayaa tha Dadi and Maa ki reports lene there I met with a doctor who told about Naira's leg, seems he is not aware about Goenka and Singhanias are not together anymore, I asked him the same question and..."

Manish asked him eagarly.. ," And what Kartik..".

Kartik continued with Heavy heart," Maa knew about it". 

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