The destroyer reveals himself

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** Thank you guys.. for all your love.. I have never been so much appreciated.. thanks a lot.."

Kartik tried to look here and there, his breath was out and he has no idea how much he has chased the person. He went to near by shop asking about the person who may have passed in sometime when he saw the reflection of the same servant again, seeing Kartik he continued running only to be caught by him this time.

Kartik caught him by his collor and asked," Hy.. why you ran seeing me.."

Servant: Sir Please... don't hand to police

Kartik: First tell me why you ran

Servant: Sir, Whatever I have done, I was being paid to do so

Kartik: What paid to do so

Servant: Sir to say Naira madam that you have asked her to wait on terrace and you'll be joining her in sometime

Kartik was hell shocked so one of his servant told he asked to confirm what he heard is correct," What.. What are you saying.."

Just then a man came from behind, Kartik was shocked to see him, on earth he couldn't have imagined him to be appearing. He looked and found himself at a isolated space. He confronted the person because if he is involved in it then he must something else as well. His thoughts were right there was miss that he couldn't able to find and now things are making sense to him a bit. He asked him," What are doing here.."

Man: You know when you were chasing my Man, he called me to give heads up that you had caught her and will able to grill him down. So I just instructed to him you in a place where nobody comes

Kartik: You did a very wrong thing, I won't spare you..

Man laughed out loudly, leaving Kartik more angry he continued," So co'mon Brother in law.. Or Should I say my ex-brother in law, I knew very well you won't do any harm to me until to get every single truth and then proving innocence of poo Shubham over dosing of cocaine..

Yes, it was Aditya Kirti's ex husband and a very cruel man. Kartik was hell shocked," How do you.. How.. how come..". Getting the things, he held his hand and said," That means it was you all along."

Aditya: Wow.. I always thought that if I could beat you I can achieve anything, you damm so intelligent brother-in-law and today you proved it again.

Kartik coming towards him, trying to grab his collor, but Aditya's man ready grabbed him, artik made and attempt to freed him," Leave me, I won't leave you Aditya, You destroyed my Family, you destroyed finished my brother... and you destroyed my love and left my Naira all helpless, I am so not going to leave... His words died as someone hit him on his head and his eyes were covered with black clouds infront of him. He felt unconscious just uttering Naira's name before passing out.

***Here is my next part... sorry for short update**

Broken Bones plays Cupid (Kaira SS) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now