Truth revealed

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Video didn't ended There... the kidnapper states ," So I guess now.. you all know what you have to do... be obedient and wait for my next call.

All were tensed, Akhilesh's friend told them that kidnapper is very sharp. He said, he'll send two of his men in servant costume tomorrow and they'll look to it. Finding no more solution they agreed to his solution. Naira was just shedding silent tears, Kirti came from behind and hugged her," Bhabhi....Ka...Kartik. My Kartik... he didn't counter attack them, seems he doesn't care what harm they do..".. She went to Manish complaining about him,"You see Papa... why he is doing to himself.. Papa... he is so hurt.. Still not fighting back.. Why papa...". Sobbing and crying she hugged Manish. He caressed her hair and said holding back his tears," What should I say... beta.. You know na he only listens to you.. And the day he get to know about your injury that day I saw my son has lost everything in life.. And why not.. The day he has lost you from his life, he has lost everything... you are everything to him beta.. Everything, his love, his hatred, his anger his agony, his relivear everything... and when you are not there then he has nothing.. He is just lifeless..He has stored so much inside him that now it is bursting out in form of blood...".

Naira just hugged Manish shedding more tears, everyone were tears.. They knew these two people love each other so much, they knew themselves just that not confessing to each other.

There when Kartik opened his eyes, he had a bandage on his hand and head. Aman came and said,"What are you thinking.. Our boss asked us, you are just life our golden hen, can't leave you like this, what if you died."

Kartik murmured to himself," Who wants to live...".

Next morning, Goenka Family received another audio clip that states


Typical Goenka's always need a demo of everything. Well I am happy that now you have listened to me. Okay, now coming to the point to release your son I want some payment and that would... well you are very rich people, I know you can afford it.. So I want 500 cr in cash in 24 hours. I will call in you tomorrow same time to tell you about the place. Till than make arrangements Goenka.


The ransom money was quiet huge, still Manish and Akhilesh made their own calls to make the arrangements.

There Kartik woke up and get to know about ransom money. Then only one of the servant came giving food to Kartik. Suddenly he got an Idea and asked person to open his hands. Servant refused to which Kartik replied," I don't have that much strength to fight with you or run from here but atleast open my hand so that I could atleast eat something. I am so starving and you have no idea about it."

Thinking, he is right logically, he opened his hands. Kartik tricked him and took his phone. But to his badluck there wasn't any signal. He keep trying his luck to get the call. Unknowingly he was dialing Naira's number. Just to his luck call was made, but then someone pushed him from back. Thank fully he didn't see the phone, Kartik hurriedly hid the phone and turned back to see Aditya standing there with evil smile on him. He asked his men to tie Kartik.

Kartik said in a hard core threatening tone," Why are you so afraid of me.."

Aditya stammered a bit," N...No.. I .I am not okay...". He gathered himself and said," And by the way my sweet brother in law... oops.. I mean ex brother in law... my ex father in law already making all earth and sky one to collect 500cr amount to get his beloved son release soon.... Must say your family loved you a lot.."

Kartik: And you are one of the disgusting person on earth ..

Aditya continued his mocking, thinking himself he won, he blurted out the things," Disgusting... Ohh pease Kartik you hardly knew what I have done so far.."

Kartik questioned," What do you mean..".

Aditya," Oooh pease.. After getting separated from Kirti, I understood one thing that if you are there with your sister and your wife I really can't touch them.. I was all planning to separate you with them when I got to know about Shubham, you step-brother. Slowly, I get more insights and then I play my first card getting your brother addicted to drugs... The day he was being over-doSed by my men, I asked one of my man to go Goenka Vill as servant and tell Naira that you want to meet him on terrace. Getting the opportunity, everything was going according to plan and she slipped because of the grease applied there... and finally I snatched away most pretigious things from her.. Her Kartik and Her Dance... everything was going so good in these two years, but Kartik being Kartik... once he get to know about reality he go on making things right.. Who told you to search for doctors for your wife... I mean you two have been separated from two years but no love can't die for you...".

Aditya hiffed but Kartik was all shocked, Kartik said," So it was you all along and I was.. I am such a bad person.."

Aditya," Ooh please you are not bad.. You were stupid.. But now you became intelligent again.. So dude.. Your family now need to pay for it..."

Kartik was hell in shock yet he managed to said," You can't put any harm to my family.. Nor my Naira... you can't get them.."

Aditya: I know.. Till you are with them.. Specially with your Naira, I can't harm her.. But them my sweet ex brother in law who said that you'll be with her..

Kartik: Kartik will always be there for his Naira...

Aditya," You will be there na.. When you'll be alive..."

**** Hey guys.. here is my next update.. Will try my best to give yoy update.. Actually working on a romantic part and need time to think about it... :)


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