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Lily, Marlene, and Remus arrived at the coffeehouse, not at all surprised that they were the first ones there. The three of them made to make their way to the counter but Remus stopped, motioning to one of the tables. "You guys sit. I'll go get the drinks." Lily and Marlene each handed him some money before sitting at the table, leaving him to get all of their coffees.He made his way to the counter and smiled, seeing Peter working. "Hey Pete," he said. "How's it going?"

"If one more person comes in asking for some crazy drink with like five thousand steps, I may die," he said, looking slightly crazed.

"Just think, though," Remus said calmly. "Pretty soon you won't have to worry about it. Have you made enough money to get your car fixed yet?"

"I wish," Peter said, frowning. "I can't wait to get my car fixed so that I never have to see this place again. Anyway, enough about me. What can I get for you today?"

"Two medium coffees and one of those iced latte things that Lily likes," Remus laughed. The world knew about Lily and her latte obsession. She'll try and tell everyone that she likes them an appropriate amount, but everyone knows that she's just in denial. Peter quickly made the drinks, giving them to Remus. He went to bring the drinks back to the table and nearly fell over at the sight in front of him. There, sitting at the table, was Sirius. He hadn't seemed to notice Remus yet, which gave the boy a chance to observe him (more like check him out, if Remus were being honest with himself).

Remus slowly made his way to the tables, handing Lily and Marlene their drinks. Noticing that the only empty seat was next to Sirius, Remus shot Lily a pleading look. It quickly became obvious, though, that she wasn't going to do anything to help him. So, with nowhere else to go, Remus took the chair next to Sirius. Within ten seconds of sitting down, though, he really wished he hadn't, as James immediately turned to him. 

"Hey Moony, want to know what happened last night?" James asked, suddenly getting excited. Remus rolled his eyes. Knowing James, it was probably something that had to do with Lily.

"Not really, but I have a feeling you're gonna tell me anyway," Remus chuckled. At that, Sirius decided to look up from his untouched coffee, meeting Remus' eyes momentarily. Before he had the chance to decipher what the look meant, though, James started talking.

"So Dorcas, Marlene, and I were watching a movie and one of the characters is actually you."

"What do you mean?"

"So, you know how you're studying to be a teacher and you're always saying that you want to be different than the boring ones we had in high school?" Remus nodded, taking a sip of his drink. "Well, the guy in the movie is this cool English teacher who...like...teaches his class how to think for themselves and not conform to society's unrealistic expectations."

"Hmm," Remus said, nodding slightly. "It sounds like a cool movie."

"Yeah, it actually was. I was pretty surprised by it." Remus thought it was quite amusing watching James get so excited about something as simple as a good movie. "Anyway, you definitely need to look it up and watch it. It's called—"

"SHIT," Dorcas suddenly yelled, slapping Marlene on the arm and causing the girl to spill some of her coffee. Marlene sent her a glare, but Dorcas wasn't fazed at all. "I totally forgot that we were supposed to do that thing today."

"What thing?" Sirius asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Lily and James said that they'd help Marlene and me with it," Dorcas continued.

"Help you with what?" Remus retorted. He couldn't help but think that all this was planned.

Before any of the others had a chance to respond with something more clever, James blurted out, "Babysitting a cat!" Everyone immediately got quiet and stared at James in disbelief.

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