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for the sake of the phone conversation, Remus is underlined & Lily is bold and underlined


Sirius had never said 'I love you' before. Nor had anyone ever said it to him. At least, not in a romantic sense. Over the years he, James, and all their friends would tell each other that they loved them; or, Mr. and Mrs. Potter would always tell Sirius that they loved him. Both of these were different, though. Different than when you're in a relationship and you're so happy that you feel like your heart will burst.

It was about a week after their unofficial second date that Sirius decided to tell Remus this. "You've never said it?" Remus had asked after Sirius admitted to having never told someone that he loved them. Sirius just nodded, dropping his eyes to the floor and refusing to meet the other boy's gaze. "It's not something you need to feel ashamed of, Sirius."

"I know," he whispered, though Remus wasn't sure if the boy believed his own words. He nodded anyway, though, not wanting to upset the boy.

"I'm gonna go downstairs and do some work, okay?" Sirius nodded. "Don't forget we're going to Lily's later." With that, Remus gave Sirius a quick kiss and left the room, going downstairs to the kitchen.

A little while later, Sirius was staring at his phone in disbelief, wondering if he was dreaming. Isn't this when you would ask someone to pinch you? Where was Remus when he needed him? He figured he could pinch himself, but that it probably wouldn't be the same. "Moony!" he called out, hoping the boy would hear him and come back upstairs. Thankfully he did, and within five minutes he was walking into the room.

"What is it Sirius?" he sighed, running a hand through his hair. Sirius glanced over at him, eyes empty.

"Can you pinch me?" he asked. Remus stopped, tripping over his own feet and hitting the ground with a thud. Sirius just continued staring. Remus quickly stood back up, going over to his boyfriend and looking for any sign that he was joking. He saw none.

"Can I what?" he squeaked.

"I think I may be dreaming," he said in a daze. "I need you to pinch me." Remus still had no idea what was going on. Before he had the chance to ask, though, Sirius started talking again. "I got a text from my brother," he started. "It's the first time he's spoken to me in almost two years."

"What did he say?"

"He just asked if we could meet up and talk."

"Why don't you invite him to Lily's tonight and you guys can talk there?" Remus suggested. Sirius shook his head.

"I can't just bring him to Lily's house. It's rude to show up to someone's house with a person they've never met," Sirius argued.

"Then why don't you ask Lily if you can bring him? I'm sure she wouldn't mind." Sirius shook his head again. "Fine," he said, a mischievous glint in his eye. "If you won't ask her...then I will." And he immediately pulled out his phone, quickly dialing Lily's number. Sirius looked at him, a horrified expression taking over his features. "Hey Lily,"he heard Remus say. "Look, so Sirius was wondering if he could bring his bro—" There was a yelp and then the sound of two bodies hitting the floor as Sirius tackled Remus, trying to pry the phone from his hand. The boy was strong, though, and Sirius was still weak from his illness the week prior, so he managed to keep Sirius from stealing the phone and hanging up on Lily.

"Remus," he whined. "Just give me the phone." Remus shook his head.

"No, Sirius. Getting together with Regulus could be good for you."

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