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Remus followed Sirius into his room, gasping at what he saw. There, taped all over Sirius' walls, were pictures. There were at least 40 paintings and sketches hanging up, some entirely made of color and others a subtle black and white. He walked over to Sirius' desk to get a closer look, smiling when he saw that a majority of them were pictures of their group of friends.

Sirius sat on his bed with a cigarette dangling in between his fingers, watching Remus across the room. To say he was happy was an understatement. He was ecstatic. Ever since the night he kissed him at the beginning of the summer, Sirius had been terrified of Remus rejecting him. And then, when he heard that Remus had started dating someone, he assumed that nothing would ever happen between them. But now that he knew that Remus felt the same way, he felt dumb for having been so upset. He continued to mentally berate himself until he felt the bed shift next to him. "So," he finally said. "What did you think?"

Remus' eyes immediately lit up, face breaking into a wide grin. "They're amazing, Pads."

"Really?" Sirius asked, eyes searching for any sign that Remus might be lying.

"Yes really," Remus said, scooting so that his and Sirius' bodies were touching. He leaned into him, face so close that Sirius could feel Remus' breath on his skin. "I love them," he whispered, pulling him in for a kiss.

This kiss lasted longer than the last one, going on for at least five seconds. They broke apart momentarily and Remus glanced around the room. He thought that he had heard something, but quickly pushed it to the back of his mind when he heard Sirius talking. He didn't want to hear him talk, though. He wanted to pick things up from where they had left off only moments ago. "Looking for some—"

Remus grabbed him, pulling him down on the bed. Things were just beginning to get heated when Remus heard footsteps coming up the stairs accompanied by James' voice. In retrospect, he and Sirius probably should have taken that as their cue to stop for the time being. Because while James was supportive of them being together (that much was obvious based on this morning), Remus didn't think that he would want to walk in on the two of them shagging. That nightmare was brought to reality, however, when he heard James knock on Sirius' door. Remus yelped, throwing Sirius off of him. He hit the ground, groaning as his head collided with something hard. "Shit," he hissed, feeling blood drip from his nose.

"Sirius, mate...you okay?" James asked from outside, knocking again. When he got no response, he opened the door and walked in, Lily following close behind. They saw Remus laying on the bed with his shirt unbuttoned and Sirius on the floor, holding a tissue to his bleeding nose. Remus quickly buttoned his shirt, never once taking his eyes off of James.

"What do you want James?" Sirius asked, voice slightly muffled by the tissues. Remus looked over to him and was surprised to see him completely calm. He seemed unfazed by the fact that his best mate had just walked in on the two of them. Granted, things hadn't yet progressed farther than them making out and taking their shirts off—but still, the thought is horrifying.

"I was...um...just gonna ask if you guys wanted to watch a movie with us. Peter was going to come after he gets off of work."

"Actually, we were just getting ready to leave," Sirius says.

"We were?" Remus squeaks, voice unnaturally high-pitched. Sirius laughed and Remus shot him a glare.

"Maybe later though," Sirius said, walking towards James and Lily. He motioned to the door and Remus assumed he wanted them to leave. Lily seemed to get the message and backed out of the room, pulling James along with her.

"Sounds good," she said, giving Remus a wink and a thumbs up. "We'll see you guys later then." Remus saw Sirius nod so he did as well.

James looked at them one more time before leaving. "Yeah...and um...sorry for interrupting you two." Lily then sighed loudly and yanked him out of the room and back down the stairs. Sirius closed the door, but they could still hear them arguing.

"James, I can't believe you just walked in on them!" Lily screeched. "Do you remember how long we've all been waiting for them to get together?"

"Obviously I remember," James groaned. "I didn't do it on purpose." At this point their conversation was boring to Remus, so he turned his attention back to the man across from him. Sirius was standing in front of the mirror, washing the blood off his face. He still didn't have his shirt on, which was completely fine with Remus. He could see the vertebra poking out from his back and Remus wanted nothing more than to go over there and touch him.

Sirius clearly had other ideas, though, because he quickly threw his shirt back on and came over to Remus. "Are you going to fix your shirt?" he chuckled. Remus hadn't even  noticed that it was buttoned unevenly. He blushed a deep shade of scarlet and quickly fixed it.

"Where are we going?" Remus asked, noticing that Sirius had put his jacket and shoes on. Sirius ignored him, instead grabbing his hand and pulling him down the stairs. Soon they were out the door and walking down the street, still holding hands. "C'mon Pads," he said. "Where are we going?"

"We're going out," Sirius said, a huge smile on his face. Remus immediately stopped walking.

"Do we have to?" he whined. As soon as he said those words, though, he wished he could take them back. Sirius' face fell and he dropped Remus' hand, taking a few steps away from him.

"Oh, well...I just—you know—thought that you would want to go on a proper first date," Sirius muttered, looking at the ground. Remus quickly grabbed his hand again, forcing him to look up.

"Of course I do," Remus said gently. Sirius raised an eyebrow, confusion evident on his face. "I just didn't know that that's what you meant. I'm not even dressed for a date," Remus sighed gesturing to his outfit.

"And I am?" Sirius laughed

"You'd be ready for a date no matter what you wore," Remus whispered.

Sirius' face lit up. "Aw Moony," he started, kissing Remus on the cheek. "You'd look good no matter what, too!"

"So where are we going for our first date?" Remus asked once they had started walking again. He couldn't help but smile at the thought. He and Sirius. On a date. He couldn't believe it was actually happening.

"How about the black lake?" Sirius asked hesitantly, looking at Remus for confirmation. Remus smiled and nodded, squeezing Sirius' hand.

"Yeah, I'd like that."


Yay they are about to go on their first date! Thank you to everyone who has read this so far! Please feel free to vote and/or comment if you like the story

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