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Sirius black was an awful patient. It had been three days since Remus started taking care of Sirius and the boy was beginning to lose his mind. He wouldn't eat, wouldn't take his medication, and every time Remus would leave the room, he would too. The amount of times Remus had found Sirius sleeping in odd places was borderline remarkable.

Which was why, as Remus brought Sirius back to bed for the second time that morning, he decided they needed to have a talk. "Pads, this is the second time since this morning that I've had to drag you back to bed. Why do you keep going to sleep in the bathtub?"

"It's cool in there," Sirius mumbled, tripping over his own feet. Remus quickly grabbed his shoulders, steadying him.

"You were hot?" Remus asked, raising his eyebrows. Sirius nodded. "So, naturally, your first reaction was to go lay in the tub?" Another nod. "But this morning you had me turn up the heat because you were too cold!"

Sirius looked at Remus, a faraway look in his glazed over eyes. "I didn't wanna keep bugging you," he admitted. Remus frowned. "Plus, I couldn't work that magic weather button thing."

"You mean the thermostat?" Remus laughed, pushing Sirius back into his head. "Now, will you please stay in bed while I go find the thermometer and some food for you?"

"Okay," he groaned, curling himself into a ball on the bed, blanket pulled up to his chin. He didn't have to wait long for Remus to return, thermometer and various food items in hand.

"Pads?" Remus asked, walking over to the bed and tapping Sirius on the nose.

"Hm," he mumbled, not opening his eyes. Remus sighed loudly.

"You wouldn't, by any chance, happen to know how the thermometer ended up under the sink in the bathroom?" Sirius shook his head.

"I'm fine, Moony. You don't need to keep checking." Remus sighed again, sitting next to the boy and wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"You know I can't believe that." Sirius glanced at him, a confused look on his face.

"Why not?"

"Sirius," he began, pecking the boy lightly on this cheek. "Please just let me check. I want to make sure you're okay." At that, Sirius finally conceded (although Remus was pretty sure that it had more to do with the kiss than anything else), taking the thermometer and putting it in his mouth. When it beeped, he took it out and handed it to Remus, waiting to see what the boy would say. "37.4," he said, patting Sirius on the arm. "It's getting better—"

"I told you," Sirius said smugly. Remus just sent him a look.

"Now, I need you to eat, though." Sirius groaned loudly, falling back into his bed. " Don't groan at me. You need to eat. Not having a fever anymore isn't gonna mean anything if you don't eat something." Remus gestured to the food. "So, I brought up a bunch of different things so that you can choose what you like." Sirius looked at everything, wrinkling his nose at each item.

"Do I have—"

Remus grabbed Sirius' shoulders, quickly shushing him. "Here's what we'll do. You'll pick something and try to eat at least one half of it. If you can keep it down, then maybe you and I can go out for a little bit and do something. Sound good?" Sirius stared at him with wide eyes, nodding faintly.


"So, what would you like?" Sirius looked around at the food for a few minutes before pointing at the bowl of cereal. Remus handed it to him, smiling encouragingly. Sirius slowly started eating.


Needless to say, Sirius was very much not completely fine. He managed to make it through half of the cereal before he threw up. Remus was glad that he had a garbage can close by. After the cereal failed, they decided to try some soup. This, however, had the same result as the cereal and ended with him, once again, throwing up in the trash can.

Remus felt awful for Sirius as he watched the boy sit against the bed hugging his knees to his chest, eyes red. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, staring at the ground. Remus wrapped the boy in a hug, kissing him gently.

"," he started. "You have nothing to apologize for." Sirius shook his head. "How about we try something easier."

"Like what?" he choked out, just now meeting Remus' eyes.

"I can find you some crackers or something and then we can sit outside for a bit," Remus said, pulling Sirius off of the floor and pretending not to notice how light he was. Remus was hoping that that issue would be resolved soon.

The two boys walked downstairs and straight to the backyard, pulling two chairs with them. Remus motioned for Sirius to sit while he went to get the food. As soon as Remus returned Sirius grabbed his hands, pulling him down and kissing him slowly. He wished that they could stay like that forever. Once Remus put the stuff on the table between them, he sat down in his own chair and gestured towards the table's contents. "Now I don't want you to feel pressured," he rambled. "Just eat what you can." Sirius nodded.

The two of them sat for awhile, holding hands and just being with each other. It was the first time they had really done something together since that night at the park. Sirius slowly looked over at Remus, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Remus Lupin, is this you taking me on a date?" Remus blushed furiously, face turning a deep scarlet. Sirius laughed, getting up from his chair and siting on Remus' lap. "Well, thank you. I love it," he said, leaning in and kissing him. "And I love you," he whispered in between kisses. Remus' heart filled with so much joy that he was scared it would burst.

"I love you too.'

So I'm actually obsessed with writing this story and Remus is actually the best boyfriend ever. I hope everyone enjoys and feel free to vote/comment!

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