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"Would you want to come to a wedding with me?" Sirius asked as he, Remus, James, and Dorcas hung out on a Saturday in December.

"Who's getting married?" Remus asked, looking down at the floor where his boyfriend was laying.

"Do you remember the guy I work with? The one who does the decorations with me?" Remus looked confused for a moment and Sirius got off the floor, sitting next to him on the sofa.

"Frank?" Sirius nodded.

"Yeah. He's getting married next month and he invited everyone from the bakery to the wedding."

"Hm...That sounds nice," Remus said quietly. Sirius stared at him expectantly.

"So...Do you want to be my date?" Remus thought for a moment before nodding. Sirius beamed, jumping on his boyfriend and kissing him on the cheek before he ran into the bathroom to get ready for work. Once they heard the door shut and the lock click, James and Dorcas turned to Remus, each wearing an overly excited grin.

"What," Remus snapped, giving his two friends a weird look. In the years since he met James and Dorcas, Remus had learned a few things about his friends; the most noteworthy being that the look they were giving Remus never meant anything good, it was the look they got whenever they wanted to get people together ("people" of course meaning Remus and Sirius).

"You and Sirius are going to a wedding," Dorcas said plainly.

"Yeah...so?" Remus responded. He was really starting to consider the possibility that there was something wrong with his friends.

"So...He's taking you to a wedding and introducing you to all the people he works with. This is a huge deal!" Remus didn't understand what Dorcas was getting so excited about. It was just a date. Unless it wasn't. What if Sirius talked to Dorcas and she knew something that he didn't? Remus nervously took a sip of his tea, almost missing what his friend said next. "And I swear the two of you will be married before you know it." And with that Remus choked on his tea, spitting it out all over James.

"We'll be what?" Remus sputtered, quickly sending James an apologetic look before turning to glare at Dorcas. She didn't seem at all fazed by him, though.

"I said you'll be—"

Remus shoved a pillow in Dorcas' face as he heard the bathroom door open, abruptly cutting off her speech. When Sirius entered the room not ten seconds later, he frowned at the sight of his three friends. "James, why are you all wet?" he asked, confusion taking over his features. "And why does Dorcas have a pillow in his mouth?" Remus discreetly gave the other two a look, silently begging them not to tell Sirius what they were talking about. Things had just started getting a little better for the other boy and Remus didn't want to ruin it by freaking him out.

"I was sweating," James said quickly, dramatically fanning himself off to make it look more believable. It did not, though.

"And I was hungry!" Dorcas blurted out. Remus facepalmed and Sirius looked between his friends, a suspicious look on his face.

"You were sweating?" he asked, looking at James. "And you were hungry?" Dorcas nodded slowly, now aware of how ridiculous it sounded. "And you two expect me to believe that?" They stared blankly at him for a few moments before James checked his wrist and stood up. Motioning for Dorcas to do the same.

"Would you look at the time, we really need to get going," he said, grabbing his coat and tugging Dorcas towards the door.

"You're not even wearing a watch!" Sirius yelled before sighing as he heard the door shut. He walked back over to the sofa and sat down, leaning his head on Remus' shoulder. "Why are our friends so weird?" he whispered. Remus laughed nervously. If only he knew.

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