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It was the day of his and Sirius' date and Remus couldn't have been more nervous. Now, it wasn't the actual date that was making him nervous; it was the fact that Sirius had been extremely secretive and distant for the past week that worried him. He guessed it was a force of habit though. Remus cared so much about the other boy and after Sirius had confided in James and him about having relapsed into the eating disorder that had consumed almost all his teenage years, he wanted to make sure his boyfriend was all right.

Remus had spent pretty much the whole week trying to figure out what Sirius had planned for the two of them. The other boy was notoriously stubborn, though, and when he couldn't deflect Remus' questions any longer, he just simply started ignoring them. This drove Remus completely mad, but if Sirius wanted their date to be a surprise, he guessed he could accept it. He wouldn't have to wait much longer to find out anyway, as the other boy was set to arrive any minute now.

The clock had just struck two in the afternoon when Remus heard a knock on his door, signaling that Sirius had arrived. He rushed to the door, quickly throwing it open and stopping as soon as he laid eyes on his boyfriend. He was wearing jeans and a white v-neck t-shirt, the flannel Remus had gotten him for his birthday the previous year on over the shirt. All three items were clearly too big on him now and they easily showed how much weight he had lost, but Remus chose not to mention it. He knew his boyfriend was trying to get better and that was the important thing.

"Should we go?" Remus finally asked, motioning to the door. Sirius nodded quickly and grabbed his hand, pulling him out the front door and down the street to the bus stop. They didn't have to wait long before the bus arrived. "So, are you going to tell me where we're going?" he asked, sitting in one of the seats.

"Of course not Moony. That would ruin the surprise," Sirius responded, taking a seat next to his boyfriend as the bus started moving. Thankfully the bus ride wasn't too long, and soon the two boys were in the city. They walked for a little while before they arrived at what appeared to be their first destination. They walked into the small restaurant and quickly made their way to the counter, where they ordered their food.

"So why did we have to come all the way into the city just for food?" Remus asked, giving Sirius a look as the two boys sat at a table with their meals. He felt it odd that Sirius decided to take him so far out of the way when there were plenty of places near them.

"We didn't come here just for food, Moony. I have something special planned for after this."

"Something special?" Remus asked, raising an eyebrow. Sirius nodded quickly.

"Yeah. I've been wanting to take you to this place for a while, and now that we're dating, I figured it would be the perfect time." Listening to the amount of thought the other boy had put into this date, Remus blushed. Now Remus wasn't a stranger to being in relationships, having been in a few since his mid-teens. But never had be been with someone as thoughtful and caring as Sirius. He seemed to be very excited about the rest of the date because, as soon as Remus had finished his sandwich, Sirius jumped up, grabbing his arm and tugging him toward the exit. The other boy wouldn't budge though.

"Pads," he started, giving the boy a slightly worried look. "Don't you want to finish your food?" Sirius shook his head, not meeting Remus' eyes. "You barely ate any of it though." Sirius just shrugged.

"Can we just go?" he whined. "I want to take you to the rest of your surprise." Remus knew that he probably should try harder to get Sirius to eat, but he decided to let it go for now. That is, until he thought of an idea.

"Why don't you just take your soup with you?"

"And put it where? In my pockets?" Sirius retorted, raising his eyebrows at his boyfriend. Instead of answering, Remus went up to the counter before returning with a to-go coffee cup. He quickly poured the soup into the cup and handed it to Sirius. "What am I supposed to do with this?"

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