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*trigger warning: there is a scene in this chapter involving Sirius' parents in which they use fatphobic language. For anyone who would prefer to skip that part of the chapter, I have placed a "~~~" at the beginning and end of that scene* 

"Is this hat really necessary?" James asked, staring at his friends as they all sat around the small table in his living room. They were getting ready to play some board game that Peter had brought and, according to Sirius, the birthday hat was a requirement.

"It is absolutely necessary. How else are we supposed to know it's your birthday?" Sirius responded, as though it were completely obvious.

"I guess you're right mate," James responded, the sarcasm clear in his voice. "Come on, let's get some food so we can start Peter's game." The two boys made their way into the kitchen, filling their plates with food and going back out into the living room. They hadn't been eating for five minutes when James turned to Sirius and started poking him.

"What, James," he replied, not turning to look at his friend. So, naturally, James continued poking him in the arm. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Sirius turned to face him. "What?"

"I'm really glad you started eating again, mate. And eating more. You're starting to look better, more like yourself again. I'm proud of you."

"Uh...thanks," he muttered, nodding in James' direction. He felt his cheeks heat up at the other boy's comments. He knew they were a compliment, but he still felt awkward. He tried to push it aside, though, going back to his meal.


"So I need your help," Sirius said, barging into James' room the following weekend. There was something he really wanted to do and he needed the other boy's advice.

"It's literally seven in the morning," James groaned, not lifting his head from his pillow. "Can't whatever it is wait until later?"

"Not really." James groaned loudly and reluctantly sat up in bed. He really didn't get what was so important that it couldn't wait until a more reasonable hour.

"Okay then. What is it?"

"I want to ask Remus to marry me," he responded, cheeks turning a bright red. James' just stared at him for a few minutes before his face broke into a huge grin.

"Really? That's amazing mate!"

"You think so? I've been wanting to do it for a while but wasn't sure if it was the right time, what with you and Lily getting married."

James waved him off. "No, you should definitely do it. You two are perfect for each other." At this, Sirius saw the alarm clock on James' desk and, seeing that it was already nearing eight o'clock, swore silently.

"I...um...I actually need to go now, but can we talk some more about this later?" he asked, moving quickly towards the door of James' bedroom. The other boy stared at him, confused.

"Yeah, sure. But where are you going?"

"Oh you know...just have some stuff I need to do," Sirius responded awkwardly before rushing out the door.

That was weird, James thought to himself as he watched him leave. He was so trapped in his thoughts over what his friend could be so secretive about that he almost missed the knock on his door. "What is it with you two?" James groaned when he saw Remus at the door. "Don't you know it's barely 8:30?"

"What are you talking about?"

"First Sirius barges in my room at seven in the morning wanting to talk and now you're here. You know, I'm starting to think that you guys just never sleep." Remus just laughed at this.

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