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"I can't believe you're moving," James said as he helped Sirius pack up his things. He and Remus had decided to get an apartment together not long after they got married, and James was having a bit of a hard time accepting it.

"We're both married now, mate. I think it's time we lived with our spouses. Besides, we won't even be that far away." James still didn't look convinced. Sirius sighed loudly and turned to Lily as she walked in. "Lily, will you please tell James that me and Remus moving to our own place isn't a big deal?" Lily turned to her husband.

"I know it's not a big deal," James started before Lily had the chance to speak. "It's just weird. You and I have basically lived together since we were 16 and now that's ending." Sirius quickly walked over to the other boy and wrapped him in a hug.

"Just because we aren't living together anymore, doesn't mean you're no longer my best friend." Sirius was about to say more when he was interrupted by the phone ringing. "Hey," he said, picking it up.

"Hey. Are you guys almost done packing?" Remus asked.

"Yeah, I'm just trying to console James. He said he's gonna miss me."

"Oh, you know you're gonna be the same way once we get all of your stuff unpacked and James has to leave."

"Don't talk about it," Sirius sighed into the phone. He was excited to move in with Remus, but he was definitely going to miss James.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come back and help you guys finish up?"

"Nah, it's okay. We're almost done anyway, so pretty soon we'll be leaving."

"Okay, I'll see you soon, then. I love you."

"I love you too."


"Do you ever feel like you don't really know who you are?" Sirius asked as he and Remus sat in the kitchen that night. They had been eating dinner for about ten minutes, and this was the first thing Sirius had said since sitting down.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know... I feel like I don't really know who I am. Like, so much of my life was controlled by my eating disorder, and now that I'm getting better I'm realizing that I never really had the chance to figure out who I want to be." Sirius put down his fork. "Also, why is bread literally one of the greatest foods ever?"

"Probably because you spent such a long time not letting yourself eat it. You'd really be surprised by how good a lot of stuff is." Sirius nodded. "But, anyway, do you mean that, like, you don't know what you want career wise?"

"Sort of. I mean, I love art. But I've had this thought for a few months and, I don't know..."

"What is it?" Remus asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I was thinking that I want to help people. Like, become a therapist or something like that."

"Honestly, I think you'd be great at that."


"Definitely. One other thing, though," he started, pulling the bread away from his husband. "You can't just eat bread for dinner. You need to eat other stuff with it."

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