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"Lily, answer the door!" Remus yelled as he stood outside her house. "I need your help!"

"You do know what time it is, right?" she asked, wiping the sleep from her eyes. Remus nodded. "So why are you here so early then?"

"I need you to help me pick out a tie to wear for this wedding tonight," Remus said. Lily rose her eyebrows.

"Why didn't you just ask Sirius?" she asked. Remus sighed.

"He said we can't see each other until later so he couldn't help me," he whined. "I swear, you'd think we were the ones getting married." At this Lily gave him a sly grin and Remus glared, pulling three ties out of his pocket and walking inside the house. "Please just help me decide which tie to wear so I can go home and take a nap." Lily looked at him for a few moments.

"Well, what color is your suit?"

"Black." Lily nodded.

"And what color is Sirius'?"

"Navy." Lily thought for a minute before grabbing the pink tie and holding it up.

"This one," she said, handing it back to Remus. He quickly took it and made his way to the door, pulling it open.

"Thanks Lily," he said, giving her a hug. "I'm gonna go and sleep now." Lily laughed and waved, closing the door behind her.


"So, How is James gonna propose to Lily?" Remus asked casually as he and Sirius stood at the bar. Sirius almost spit out his drink as he turned to stare at Remus with wide eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Sirius rambled. "What proposal?" Remus rose his eyebrows at the other boy. "Who are James and Lily?" At this Remus couldn't help himself and he burst out laughing.

"Calm down Pads. James told me about it," Remus laughed, taking his drink and walking to their table. Sirius followed close behind and the two boys took their seats at the table. "And really, 'who are James and Lily'? That's the best you could do?" Sirius glared at him.

"I panicked!" Sirius responded, trying and failing to make his answer sound less pathetic. Not all of us are experts at coming up with what to say, Moony." As Remus and Sirius were talking a couple sat down next to them. Neither the boys nor the couple seemed to notice each other's presence, or if they did they didn't acknowledge it. It wasn't until dinner was served that the conversation started up.

"I'll trade you my pasta for your potatoes," Sirius whispered in Remus' ear during dinner. Their plates hadn't even been in front of them for five minutes. Remus glanced at his boyfriend, a half annoyed half amused expression on his face.

"Ridiculous," he muttered, rolling his eyes dramatically. He took the other boy's food, though, trading it for his own. "why did you order the pasta if you didn't want it?" Sirius shrugged.

"I didn't look at the food options, I just chose the first one on the list and mailed it in," he tried to reason. Remus gave him a disbelieving look. "Don't give me that look Moony! I was in a hurry and didn't have time to read all the options." The two boys' conversation was interrupted as Molly turned to Remus.

"So, Remus, Sirius tells me you're studying to be a teacher?" Molly asked politely. Remus nodded.

"Yeah. I want to teach high school English," he responded.

"Oh that's wonderful! You know, my husband and I actually met in our high school English class. Right Arthur?" Upon hearing his name, Arthur turned, eyebrows raised in question.

"Right about what?" he asked.

"That you and I met in our junior year English class," Molly repeated. Arthur nodded and turned his attention to Remus and Sirius.

"That's right, we did. And I don't think we've met; Arthur Weasley, Molly's husband," he said, offering Remus his hand. Remus shook it slowly.

"Nice to meet you," he responded, taking his hand back. "I'm Remus; Sirius'...ah, friend—person—"

"Boyfriend," Sirius filled in, trying to contain his chuckles. Remus nodded quickly, face turning red. Arthur gave both boys a smile and turned to Sirius.

"Good to see you again Sirius."

"You too, Sir." Arthur laughed, shaking his head.

"There's no need to call me Sir, Sirius. We're all adults here." Sirius nodded meekly. "Besides, being called 'Sir' makes me feel so old." Molly lightly slapped his arm.

"Oh Arthur, calm down. No one thinks you're old," she said, rolling her eyes as her husband. A few of the waiters came to the table to clear the plates. Sirius was just handing his mostly full plate to the server when Remus grabbed his arm and gave him a look.

"Sirius," he warned. The other boy looked at him with wide eyes. "You need to eat."

"But I'm not—"

"Nope," Remus cut him off, shaking his head. "I don't care. You have to eat, Pads." Sirius stared at his boyfriend for a few moments before sighing loudly and taking his plate. Remus gave him an encouraging smile and squeezed his hand. "So, do you think we should go and say hello to Frank and Alice later? Since it is their wedding."

"We'll go once the music starts," Sirius responded. The next time the servers came around Sirius handed them his plate, immediately taking Remus' hand and tugging him toward the dance floor. "Come on Moony," he whined. Remus laughed at that. "I want you to meet Frank before we dance." The two boys quickly found Frank and went up to him. "Hey mate," Sirius said, shaking his hand and giving Alice a hug. "Congratulations. You both look great."

"Thank you so much for coming Sirius. It really means a lot," Alice said. Frank nodded his agreement.

"And this is Remus," Sirius said, wrapping an arm around the other boy. Alice immediately pulled him in for a hug.

"Pleasure to meet you Remus. Thank you for coming." Remus chuckled nervously.

"Thank you for having me," he responded. At this, the music changed to a slower song and Sirius grabbed his hand.

"May I have this dance?" he asked, bowing. Remus laughed, nodding his head and moving to the dance floor. They swayed to the music, enjoying each other's company. Remus was happy with how tonight was going, and it seemed like Sirius was too. Every time they did something together it made him that much more sure of how much he loved the other boy. And without a second thought, he pulled Sirius in for a kiss. And in that moment Remus was absolutely certain: he was going to spend the rest of his life with Sirius. 

~wow it's been a while but hopefully this chapter makes up for it~

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