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(six months later)

"I'm very impressed, Sirius," Dr. Riley said as the two of them sat in his office. "You've really come a long way since we started working together."


"You've gotten yourself back to a normal range and have been able to keep your weight fairly stable, which is excellent."

Sirius had to admit that it felt really good to have his life back. It felt good to not be so physically and mentally exhausted all the time. Feeling like this definitely didn't come easily, though. There were a lot of times where he felt like giving up, felt like he was gaining too much weight too quickly and that he should just stop trying. He thought back to a conversation he had had with Dr. Riley a few months back where he expressed this fear to the other man:

"I just feel like it's all happening so fast," Sirius had said as he sat in the man's office.

"Sirius," Dr. Riley sighed. "We've talked about this. Gaining weight is not something you need to be scared of." Now it was Sirius' turn to sigh.

"I know, and it's not that I'm necessarily scared of it, because it means I'm getting better. I just—I don't know—didn't think it would happen so quickly. And a lot of my clothes don't fit me anyone. Like, I kind of figured that would happen with some of my stuff, but I didn't think I would outgrow so much of it in only a few months."

"I'm assuming, and please correct me if I'm wrong, that the clothes you're talking about are from when you were at your sickest?" Sirius looked down at his lap. "Sirius, your body knows what it's doing. You just need to trust it." Sirius just huffed in response, knowing the man was right.

Sirius was really glad that he had listened to Dr. Riley in that moment and hadn't given up on things. "I just want to thank you for never giving up on me. Even when I screwed up and things weren't looking good, you never made me feel like a failure. And I really appreciate it."


"Where were you?" James asked as Sirius walked into the kitchen the next day.

"I went for a run," Sirius responded, grabbing a bottle of water and going to leave the room. James stopped him before he could, though.

"A run? Why?" Sirius just shrugged.

"I just felt like running." James gave him a disbelieving look before deciding to let it go. He trusted his friend

"Make sure you eat something," he finally said, throwing Sirius an apple. The other boy caught it easily, nodding in thanks and heading to the bathroom to shower. If Sirius was being honest with himself, he was actually pretty nervous for today. He briefly wondered if Remus felt the same way. It's just that he wanted everything to be perfect, and he spent his entire shower worrying about it. He hadn't even picked out his tie yet, so he made his way back to his room and took all of them out of the closet.

"You know you're supposed to put the shirt on before the tie, right?" James said, laughing as he looked at his friend. He had just decided that he should go upstairs and get ready when he saw the other boy standing in front of the mirror in nothing but his boxers and a tie. "Pants would also be a good idea too." Sirius turned to glare at him.

"I can't decide if this is a good color or not," he groaned, taking the tie off and throwing it onto the bed with the others.

"What if you cut off a piece from each tie and then sew the pieces together? Then you would be able to wear all of them."

"Please tell me you're joking," Sirius said, giving James a look as he threw his pants on. Of all of James' ideas, this had to be one of the worst. Fortunately, he didn't have to think about it for too long because Remus walked it, capturing both boys attention.

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