Yearning: part 2

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"I now pronounce you, husband and wife." Remus promised himself that he wasn't going to cry. Seeing two of his best friends getting married, though, was one of the greatest things he'd ever seen.

"I still can't believe you married me," James said, taking Lily's hand and walking down the aisle after the ceremony ended. "I'm pretty sure I'm the luckiest person on the planet." They quickly made their way to the reception area, eager for the party to start.

"I can't believe it took me so long to agree to go on a date with you." James couldn't help but agree. He had been in love with Lily since they first met each other, but didn't get a date with her until they were seventeen. He had admitted to his friends that he was giving up hope for her to ever like him back, but they convinced him to try one more time. And he couldn't be more grateful for them.

Everyone was seated at their tables when the officiant went up to a microphone and invited Sirius to come up. He walked up to the microphone and pulled a folded piece of paper out of his pocket before nervously running a hand through his hair. "James Potter," he started, folding the paper back up and putting it back in his pocket. "James is the type of person who, once you meet him, you never forget him. He makes that much of an impression on you. We became friends when we were eleven, and I can honestly say that the day we met was one of the best days of my life. From you breaking your arm while trying to jump out of a tree to coming up with elaborate plans for the girl you love, there has never been a dull moment in your life. You're one of the kindest and most generous people I've ever met. We've been through so much together and you're basically like my better half. You inspire me to become the best version of myself. But really, when it comes down to it, you're so much more than my best friend. You're my family. And I love you, Jamie."

"I love you too," James said, going up to Sirius and hugging him.

Remus was so engrossed in his conversation with Marlene that he didn't even notice the food being placed at the table. Assuming that this would be like most other meals with Sirius, he said his usual line: "You need to—" Remus stopped mid sentence as he turned to face Sirius. He must have looked as surprised as he felt because the other boy gave him a weird look in return.

"Why are you looking at me like that Rem?"

Remus was shocked. "You're eating!" he blurted out before he could stop himself. Everyone at the table gave him an odd look. "Sorry, it's just I'm still so used to having to convince you to eat and...why are you laughing?"

"Because you're making your 'surprised' face."

"Yeah. Because you're eating." He still had the look on his face.

"I am."

"Without me having to tell you to."

"I know," Sirius laughed. "I guess that's progress." Remus smiled at the other boy and took his hand, holding it under the table while they ate.

"Nice speech," Dorcas said, walking up to Sirius at the bar after dinner. James and Lily had finished their first dance and everyone was making their way to the dance floor.

"Oh, thanks." Silence engulfed them, getting more and more awkward by the second. Fortunately, though, Dorcas broke it by taking his hand.

"Come on, let's dance." Sirius put his drink down and followed her to the dance floor. "I missed you, Black."

"I know. And I'm sorry I haven't been around in forever. I've missed you too."

"You know what I was thinking of?" she asked as they swayed to the music. Sirius shook his head. "When me, Marlene, James, and Lily tried to set you and Remus up at the coffee shop and then ran away so you could be together."

Sirius laughed. "That was definitely a memorable event. And then how you tackled me after I said I didn't want to go." He paused for a minute. "You look nice tonight, by the way."

"Thanks, so do you." Dorcas laughed as he made a face. "What? I mean it. And I'm not talking about your body. You look happier; you look like yourself again. Lily told me that you've been getting help." Sirius nodded.

"Yeah. I—um—started going to see a doctor."

"That's great, Sirius!"

"It's been really helpful, actually."

"Well, I'm really glad. Taking care of yourself looks good on you." The pair was able to dance for a few more minutes before they were interrupted by James.

"Can I borrow him for a second?" James asked Dorcas.

"Sure, go ahead." James gave her a thumbs up before grabbing Sirius' arm and pulling him in the opposite direction.

"Where are we going?" he asked James as the other boy continued to pull him.

"We have a meeting." Sirius was going to question James further, but stopped when they got outside and he saw Remus waiting.

"Hey you," Sirius said, walking over to him.


"I would like to say a few words," James started, looking at Remus and Sirius. "The three of us are really growing up. It feels like just yesterday that we were all meeting for the first time." He paused for a moment before deciding to continue. "Can I tell you both something?" Both boys nodded. "You guys are perfect for each other."

"You think so?" Remus asked.

"I do. And I know it's still six months until you're married, but I want you both to know that you bring out the best in each other and I'm honored to be your friend."

"He's right," Sirius cut in, looking at Remus. "You definitely bring out the best in me. And every day we get to spend together makes me love you even more."

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