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It had been two weeks since their first date and Sirius couldn't be happier. He wondered if this was how people always felt when they found the person they love. This happiness was accompanied by an uncomfortable feeling deep inside him, though, and when he told James about it, the boy didn't understand.

"I really don't get what you're freaking out about," James said, sitting on the couch while his friend laid on the floor. He assumed that the feeling Sirius was experiencing was just his anxiety and so he tried to help his friend, not wanting to see him suffer.

"What if he decides I'm too annoying and doesn't want to go out anymore?"

"Why would he think you're annoying?"

"I don't know," Sirius mumbled. "I just think I am." James got off of the couch and sat next to him.

"I know this may be hard for you to believe sometimes, but for whatever it's worth, we all think you're pretty great." James squeezed his hand gently. "And I know for a fact that Remus loves you, probably even more than you love him." Sirius tried to smile, but it came out looking more like an ugly grimace. The feeling was still there, not at all eased by James' kind words. On the contrary, it made him feel nauseous and it made the room spin.

It was only a few seconds later that his stomach clenched and he barely had enough time to sprint to the bathroom before he was throwing up. James rushed in behind him, holding his hair and rubbing his back. As soon as Sirius was finished, James grabbed his arms and pulled him to his feet, guiding him back into the living room and placing him on the sofa. He immediately grabbed one of the pillows, hugging it to his chest and laying on his side. James sighed, going to get the thermometer out of their medicine box and bringing it back, forcing it into Sirius' mouth. When the number finally showed, he winced as he saw 39 degrees Celsius flash across the screen. "What does it say?" Sirius asked, voice raspy.

"Thirty-nine," James said. "You've got a fever. Do you want me to call Remus?" Sirius shook his head hard, stopping when it made his vision go blurry.

"No, you can't bother Remus with this." James raised his eyebrows, confusion clear on his face.

"Why not?"

"He has more important things to worry about than me being sick."


It had been two days and Sirius had shown no improvement. His fever had gone down a little bit, but he couldn't stomach even the simplest of foods. James would check on him throughout the day, bringing him food at different times, but each time was exactly the same. He would make it through maybe five bites at most before he was running to the bathroom. It worried James to see his friend like this. Plus, he still didn't want James to call Remus. At first he thought that the two of them were fighting, but then found out from Lily that he had this huge scholarship project that he had been working on, and Sirius thought that the project was more important than his boyfriend being there when he was ill.

James didn't care, though. Lily told him that Remus was finished and James called him immediately after, asking him to come over. He knew that Remus would want to be with Sirius, regardless of what the stubborn boy said.

As soon as Remus got there, though, he ran up the stairs and straight to Sirius' room, throwing open the door. The boy in question, however, wasn't in his room. Confused, Remus wandered over to the bathroom, knocking gently on the door. "Sirius?" he called. There was no answer. "Are you in there?" Still nothing. Instead of trying knocking for a third time, he pushed the door open, walking in slowly. What he saw almost made him burst out laughing. There, in the bathtub, was Sirius, sound asleep. Remus chuckled, brushing a piece of Sirius' hair back, cringing at how warm he was. "Hey James?" he called, hoping that he heard him.


"Can you bring me the thermometer and a few pieces of toast? I'm gonna see if I can get him to eat something." James gave him a worried look.

"Are you sure?" he asked. "He probably won't be able to keep it down. He's been like this for three days."

"Just let me see if I can get him to eat." James sighed, leaving to get the stuff. He returned a few minutes later, toast and thermometer in hand. Remus took them both, telling James that he had it covered. "Sirius," he whispered, shaking the boy lightly. Sirius groaned but didn't open his eyes. "You've got to get up," he tried again. This time Sirius did open his eyes.


"Here, let me help you." Remus grabbed his shoulders, pulling his up and helping him out of the bathtub. He stood for a total of fifteen seconds before he fell, Remus barely having enough time to catch him. "I brought you some food—" Remus didn't even get to finish his sentence; Sirius abruptly throwing up in the bathtub. "Oh god Pads, don't throw up in the tub."

"I'm sorry," Sirius choked out, curling into a ball once he finished.

"It's fine," Remus soothed, pulling Sirius into his lap. "Do you want to try the toast or—"

Sirius shook his head. "Can we just stay here for a minute?" Remus gave him a confused look.

"On the bathroom floor?" He looked over at Sirius, but the boy had closed his eyes and leaned his head on Remus' shoulder. He sighed then stood up, careful not to wake Sirius. "Up we go," he started, picking Sirius up and bringing him to his bedroom. "It's time for you to go to bed."

He laid Sirius on the bed, moving the covers so that he would be comfortable. Sirius moaned, opening his eyes and looking around. "Rem?"

"I'll be right back, okay?" Sirius gave a small nod and Remus smiled, leaving the bedroom and going to clean the bathroom up. When he came back in the room after he was done, he found Sirius fast asleep. He carefully climbed into bed next to Sirius and wrapped his arm around him. "Night Pads," he whispered, kissing him gently on the forehead. Sirius immediately curled up next to him, sighing contently and going back to sleep.

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