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They say that the first step to recovery is admitting that you are struggling. When Sirius had told James and him the week prior that he had been doing badly again, Remus didn't know what to think. A part of him was surprised at the fact that Sirius had actually came to them. A part of him was angry that he hadn't been paying more attention to what was going on in Sirius' life (he kept telling Remus that it wasn't his fault, but the boy was stubborn about it). But a slightly larger part of him was so unbelievably proud of his boyfriend for taking that first step and asking for help; he knew how hard it was for Sirius to tell them about what was happening. Ever since that night, Remus had tried to spend at least one meal a day with the other boy. At first he was hesitant, but after some convincing, he accepted Remus' help, though not without some stubbornness. "Rem, really, I'm fine," Sirius had said while they were having coffee a few days after 'the confession' as Remus took to calling it. "You don't need to waste your time with this."

"Helping you is not a waste of my time, Pads. You know that." Sirius looked unsure.

"Yeah, but..."

"No buts. This is what boyfriends do. They help and support each other," Remus assured him before getting up and putting his coffee mug in the dishwasher.


"Hey you," Sirius said, walking up to Remus and kissing him. It had been about a week since their conversation and two weeks since Sirius had first asked for help and things were starting to look a little better. 

"Hey yourself," Remus said lightly, smiling up at his boyfriend. Even though they pretty much saw each other every day, they decided to meet up after their classes ended.

"I brought you coffee," Sirius said, handing the cup to Remus. The boy nodded his thanks, taking the cup and setting it on the table. Sirius noticed that he had an odd look on his face. "What?"

"Well, since I assumed that you haven't eaten yet today, I took it upon myself to bring you some snack choices," Remus said, opening his backpack and taking out two plastic bags. Sirius raised his eyebrows at the other boy. Remus didn't notice. "So, you can either choose the trail mix or the cereal." Sirius looked like he was about to say something, but before the boy could, Remus started talking again. "And before you ask, yes I removed the chocolate from the trail mix."

"I'm really not that hungry," Sirius said automatically.

"Pads," Remus sighed loudly, giving the boy a look. Sirius looked at him sheepishly.

"Sorry. Force of habit," he mumbled, cheeks turning red. Remus put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"I know, I know," Remus said, taking Sirius' hand in his. "And I want you to know how proud I am of you. I know you've really been trying hard to eat over the past two weeks." Sirius' face lit up at Remus' statement. It was oddly inspiring to hear someone say that they were proud of you for trying to do something, even if it wasn't perfect. Even if he wasn't perfect.

"Have I told you that I love you?" Sirius asked, a dopey grin on his face.

"You may have mentioned it once or twice," Remus laughed, kissing him quickly and moving so that his lips were at Sirius' ear. Sirius tried to pull him back into the kiss but he stopped him. "No, wait," he whispered, breath tickling the other boy's ear. "I want to ask you something."

"Okay," Sirius sighed and Remus pulled him even closer.

"Do you want the trail mix or the cereal?" he whispered, ending the question with a nip at the other boy's ear. Sirius quickly pulled away, rolling his eyes at the boy.

"Just give me the fruit loops you dork," Sirius laughed, sticking his tongue out at Remus. He threw the bag of cereal at Sirius, hitting him in the face. He quickly opened the bag, taking out some of the contents and throwing them at Remus.

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