Second Story: Christmas

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"Do I look okay?"

"You look stunning, Snow. Like always."

"Your opinion doesn't count," I say groaning. "I just don't want that your parents think I'm -"

"You look fine, believe me." Baz smiles at me and straightens my tie. (It makes me feel like I'm 10.) He wears the green suit under his coat which he already wore last year. It's still my favourite - he just looks perfect in it. I'm wearing a new blue suit I bought a few weeks ago. Together with Baz. And Penny.

We stand in front of the house of Baz's family. It's even more frightening than the first one, which they had to leave because of the Humdrum - because of me. The snowfall gets stronger with every minute and the wind howls through the forest. I'm pretty sure there will be a heavy storm tonight.

"Stay calm, Simon," Baz says softly. "Everything's going to be alright - they won't poison you or poke you with a stick."

"But they want to get rid of me - they want me out of your life!" I wipe my already sweaty hands on my trousers.

"Doesn't matter," he replies and turns to the door. "Ready to ring?"

"No," I say honestly. "Why do we even have to do this? We just could drive back home or go with Penny to her family - they at least like me!"

"This only would make things worse," Baz says. "If we don't appear at this dinner tonight they will accuse you to keep me away from my own family - you don't want that burden too, right?"

"No, of course not but -"

Baz presses the bell.

"I'm not ready! I -," I start to complain but Baz makes me shut up with a short kiss.

"Just be yourself - then they can't help but fall in love with you."

"They already hate me," I tear on my collar because I have the feeling of not getting enough air, "because of me just being myself."

"You just shouldn't mention..." The door opens and cuts Baz off.

"Merry Christmas, Mr Pitch, Mr Snow," says the woman who opened the door in a high and gentle tone. I remember her from my first visit to the Pitches estate.

"Merry Christmas, Vera," Baz says with a very charming voice. I only manage to nod.

"Please come in," the woman says and she waves us through the door.

Even when this house is smaller than the old one it's still way too huge for only one family. The entrance hall is already almost as big as our flat. You feel like you're in a Victorian history museum and are not allowed to touch anything. (That's a challenge. Especially for me. A tail, wings and ... just being me.)

"May I take your coats?" Vera asks and already reaches for my grey duffle coat. I hurry to get out of it, without crumbling my suit.

"Thank you," Baz says with a lovely smile. He's really good at all this nice guest stuff. I can't even smile because my jaw is so strained. It's frustrating.

She takes our coats and vanishes behind a door. Baz and I are left alone. I exhale.

"Try to calm down," Baz whispers right a second before his parents enter the room. "Your tail already hit my legs."

I really try but I can't really control it. Fortunately, it's invisible. My wings are cast very small, so you can't spot them under my suit. Penny and Baz are constantly experimenting with new spells to tame them.

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