Anniversary (7)

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"Do you know who lives here?" I ask while I try to get myself back into my jacket. (Which is a challenge when you have to hide huge wings under it.)

"Does this matter?" Baz steps through the snow to the edge and peers at the street under us. We landed on the roof of a five-storey house. This was Baz's idea - not mine. I would never just land on an inhabited house.

"Come here. The view isn't that amazing as the one from our flight, but at least you can see the Thames."

I walk to him and dare a quick glance over the edge. Yep, I've got enough heights for today. Instead, I take Baz hands into mine. He turns his face to me. "Well, this view is even better," he says and smiles. "And how is your review for our first SnowBaz-anniversary?"

"I'm still not over the fact that you gave us this stupid name," I say grinning. "But I actually think we really did a good job. Not everything went according to plan, but at least everything we went through today will forever stay in my mind."

"Yes, that's right." Baz crosses his fingers with mine. "And if you forget over the failed dinner, the embarrassing confrontation with your roommate, my two near-death experiences and this awkward call with your Ex, everything went pretty normal. Apart from the ride on the back of my dragon-boyfriend, of course."

This makes me laugh. "Probably Penny was right: We're truly fucking strange!"

"Hell, we are!" Baz laughs, too.

"I'm very excited for next year. Maybe we get more normal with time."

"I wouldn't be that confident. I'm pretty sure it only gets weirder."

"I can live with that," I say.

"Me, too." He leans forward to kiss me. I grip for his neck and pull him closer. I completely forget that we're on the roof of a five-storey house. But I have the feeling of flying again.

"Baz?" I whisper, gasping for air.

"Yeah?" He lays his forehead against mine.

"I love you."

"Oh Snow," he breathes. "I wanted to say this but you stole my show."

I giggle. (Normally I don't giggle that much like today - but it's our anniversary and everything smells like Christmas. I think this explains a lot.)

"I love you too, Simon," Baz says with such a gentle voice, which makes me laugh. "Even if you would've tried to hand me to the numpties. I just can't help myself, you drive me crazy."

"Maybe I will hand you to them one day," I say. "Only to prove if you really told me the truth and still love me then."

"I always tell the truth."

"A long time ago you said you will kill me, remember?"

"I didn't lie."

"You didn't?"

"I always thought about killing or kissing you - I said you drove me nuts."

"Glad you did the latter."

"Glad you did the latter." He kisses me softly. "Simon?"


"Do we fly downstairs or take the stairs?"

"What stairs?" I ask confused.

"There are stairs. To our flat."

I take a step back and look at him perplexed. He grins amused. "It's the roof of our - well, your flat."

"No," I say and shake my head. "This can't be." I take a second look at the street under us. Indeed, it's the road in front of our house. Baz breaks out into heavy laughter and I throw a snowball at him. He dodges and throws one back. It ends up right in my face.

"Carry on, Simon Snow!"


This is the end of my first story. :) I hope you enjoyed it! I would be more than grateful if you comment what you thought about it. :)  <3

The next story is about the Christmas dinner with Baz's family. I hope you like it.

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