Snowday (14)

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I really didn't mean to throw him into the river. Really. I just wanted to mock him. (Maybe I should've known that he's so clumsy and will fall anyway, but still.)

"I think I just forgot how it feels to be warm," Simon says now, standing in front of me and bouncing up and down. "Do I still have all my fingers?"

He holds his hands in front of me and I take them in mine, a sad try to warm them because I'm as cold as he is. I even try to use my Pyro skills to heat them up a bit but it doesn't really work because I'm too afraid of burning his palms.

"Come on, Bunce," I say without turning to her. "Give my wand back to me, so I can speak us warm."

"Nah," she says, twirling my wand between her fingers. (I would snap it away but I'm too frozen stiff so it only would end sadly for me.) "I'll let you suffer for at least the following five minutes so you'll learn your lesson."

"Believe me," Simon says, shivering. "I learned mine. 'Never stand close to water when your ex-nemesis-slash-ruthless-boyfriend stands next to you.'"

"I really didn't mean to –"

"Yeah, you can repeat this until we both grew old and grey but I know you better." Simon grins at me and the cold must've frozen the part of his brain that stored all the worries which haunted him today, because his smile is through and through the old Simon – the happy-go-lucky one I missed the last hours. I grin back. (Maybe I did push him intentionally after all. I would do anything for this smile.)

"Meanwhile you sit out your punishment, you could guess why we're here anyway, Simon," Bunce says.

"Because you two want to torture me?"

"I didn't throw you into the water," she defends herself and frowns at me. I frown back.

"Yeah but you let me freeze to death right now," Simon says with clattering teeth.

I let go of Simon's hands and light a flame in each of my palms. I place them between our faces, just so that the fire doesn't reach his or my skin.

"Better?" I ask.

"I'm worried about my eyebrows," he mumbles, trying not to move his head while speaking.

I sneer and let the flames dance between my fingers which makes Simon jump, covering his eyes with his hands. "Watch out, Baz!"

"We wouldn't have to put us in such danger, if Bunce just –"

"Okay," Bunce says and claps her hands together. "I will speak you warm when Simon guesses why we're here. Okay?"

I open my lips to whisper the answer to help Simon and free us from our misery, but Penelope presses her hand on my mouth to make me shut up. "No cheating!"

"How should I know?" Simon complains. "There's nothing interesting we could do at this pier..."

"Come on, Simon," Bunce groans. "Use your brain."

He just looks confused from her to me, while I try to pantomime it at him.

Then his eyes get big and he opens his mouth. (His lips are still blue.) "Oh," he cries out and hides his face behind his trembling fingers like an ashamed child. "Why didn't I come up with this earlier? Damn it, I'm so dumb."

I stop myself from saying anything agreeing, instead I snap my wand out of Penelope's hand and speak two You're getting warmer's.

"Merlin and Morgana and Methuselah!" Simon shouts and exhales. "I feel like reborn!"

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