Snowday (7)

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Baz squints at Evie and sneers. He really seems to enjoy this whole scene. (Of course, he does. I can't decide whether it's cute or not.) Simon's face is completely hidden on Baz's shoulder. He looks like he'd shut out everything around him. Maybe we demanded too much from him. Maybe we should've just accepted that it's not his day today.

Evie still stares at Simon and Baz, and she still seems to process the new information. I have to admit that I feel kind of sorry for her. She must feel really stupid.

I clear my throat. "I think...I think you should go," I say softly and smile at her. She blushes and turns her eyes away from the boys.

"Yeah," she mumbles. "I probably should." She tries a smile and wants to leave. I hold her back. "But I really like your shirt," I say. "It's...pretty cool."

She just nods and then she runs away. Probably wishing that the ground will open and swallow her.


I could fall asleep. Right here. Right now. In Baz's arms. I'm so tired. All I can do is close my eyes and bury my face in Baz's shoulder. And I block out everything around me. Forget about that girl and that we are in public. And I'm sure, if Baz didn't hold me, I would fall to the ground – and fall asleep right there.

I also want to cry. I don't really know why, but this whole situation – this whole day makes me want to cry. When I found this note in the pocket of the jacket, I wished I could just pass out. Vanish. (And cry.)

Of course, that isn't my normal reaction to situations like this one. I'm not always a complete fool in interacting with people. But I just can't. I can't deal with it.

After a bit time passed, Baz shoves me away from him and takes my hands in his. He leads me to the couch where we sit down. One of his arms wrapped around my shoulders and his one hand holding mine. Penny hands me a biscuit (with chocolate chips) and sits down next to me. She leans her head against my shoulder and eats one of the cookies. We rest like this for a few minutes. In silence. Chewing our biscuits. People running around us. I nearly fall asleep again, but Baz pokes me every time I close my eyes. He and Penny start joking and teasing each other while I just listen and draw circles on Baz's palm.

It can hardly describe it, but I kind of feel like I'm in a huge cotton ball. Everything seems far away and can't really reach me. Faces and voices seem to blur and I don't feel the ground under my feet. And the only thing which connects me with the outer world and which feels real is my circling finger on Baz's hand.

Eventually, they both get up again and crouch over the pile of clothes. They pick all the pieces I already tried and even a few which they think will fit me. They don't even bother to ask me for my opinion. (I would've shrugged every time anyway.) When they finished, Penny runs to the checkout to pay for them. In the meantime, Baz pulls me up from the couch, forces me to get changed into my own clothes again, and then he directs me to the exit. For a brief moment, I think they give in and we drive home, but instead, they shove me into the next store. They would never give up that easily. Of course not.

"The fun has just begun," Penny yells grinning and jumps through the aisles. She finds a board full of hats and teases Baz by capping him with them. This leads to a hunt through the whole store. They scream and laugh and some people are watching us strangely. I just kind of stick to Baz, clutching his hand. And it doesn't seem to bother him. Rather the opposite, because he uses every opportunity to kiss my cheeks or my forehead. I can't complain. And at some point, it even makes me smile a bit.

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