Anniversary (6)

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The sandwich tastes way better than our self-made dinner. I even was able to persuade Baz to eat one.

"We can eat during our walk. No one will see your fangs - it's too dark," I said. Well, I did forget that's Christmastime.

Now the two of us are walking through the brightly lighted, and crowded (last minutes shoppers) streets of London and chewing our sandwiches. I already eat my second one.

"Next time we buy those ones right away and don't even try to cook," Baz says with his hand in front of his mouth because a few people with shopping bags run past us.

"Sounds like a plan," I reply and check if my tail is still invisible. I don't want Normals to think I'm the Antichrist or something like this. I also feel my wings under my clothes - you don't recognize them if you don't know they exist.

"We're really a very suspicious couple," Baz mutters chewing. "Fangs, Wings and a tail - we could work in a freak show - as the best-looking ones of course."

"By the way," I notice and swallow the last bite of my bread. "I have something to show you."

"Oh, now I'm scared," he answers and rubs his hands.

"You should!" I chortle and turn around to observe the environment. We're in a small street but there are still too many people. "We have to search for an isolated place. A backyard or a dead end."

"Snow." Baz reaches for my shoulder and makes me stop.


"Do you plan to kill me? Because you really sound like a serial killer right now." His fangs sparkle in the dimmed light.

I laugh and move on. "Tried already but didn't work. Shit, I forgot my stake..."

"No for real - what are you planning?" He's catching up and walks backwards in front of me so that I'm facing him. The snow crunches under his feet. "Come on. Tell me!"

"You'll see," I answer and shove him out of my way. "It's a surprise. I've been planning it for months now."

"You planned it for months but don't know a place to show me your great surprise?" Baz circles around me like an excited puppy. "What have you done all this time?"

I cross the street and pull him with me. "Shut up and follow me!" I say, too busy orientating myself to listen to him.

"You're jaywalking," he complains and looks around for cars.

"Then move faster!" I counter. "We must be really close to this one empty backyard of this old snack bar." This should be the right place. Abandoned and dark. (Merlin, now I really feel like a psychopath.)

"No, I'm sure you plan to stab me," Baz says nodding. "Or at least want to kidnap me."

"Damn it!" I respond with played revolt. "Now you know! And I already hired the numpties..." I giggle gleefully. If there is something you can mock Baz with - it's the numpties. He goes nuts every time I mention them. Like now. He slaps with his hand against the back of my head but then starts to laugh. "Screw the fucking numpties!"

"There it is!" I say and make a sharp turn. Baz struggles to follow me.

"You know I'm a mage and a vampire - I can defend myself!" he shouts at me, leering.

"Didn't help you with the numpties. Won't help you with me." I run the last metres. Baz hurries to follow me. We land in a very dark backyard with rubble and trash all around. The smell isn't that pleasant - but for my plan it's perfect. (If I didn't need an area without an audience I wouldn't set a foot in here.)

Carry On SnowBazWhere stories live. Discover now