Snowday (10)

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"I'm still suspicious," Baz says while he pokes at his remaining chips. After a few bites, he and Simon managed to block out the weird colour and shape and realised surprised that these coils are just completely normal chips. Well, maybe not completely normal, but anyway – they survived to eat them without constant complaining.

"What if they sneak drugs into their food and hide it behind all this fancy magic stuff?" Baz continues his conspiracy theory. "I mean, nobody would recognize it. Everybody will just think it's the magic when they feel so relaxed and cheerful. But what if it's drugs?" His fangs are already hidden again and I can clearly tell that he's more relaxed now. I was really surprised that he ate in public at all. With his hand in front of his mouth but still. (Maybe the magic makes him a bit more self-confident.) (Because he isn't that confident in general. Even when he always wants us to think he is.)

"And why," I ask frowning and lean against the backrest of my bench, "should they drug us?".

"Maybe the magickal government of America wants to take control over Great Britain," Simon suspects with his mouth full of green-blue chips. (It looks kind of unpleasant; like he would chew on caterpillars.)

"With doped food in pubs?" I question unconvinced. "There has to be a more efficient way."

"Like taking charge over Watford. Like this, they could manipulate and control every magickal-educated being." Baz places his elbows on the table. "At least this would be my way of working. Taking over the youth to control the future."

"You're the real supervillain," Simon mutters. "Not me. I never thought about how to take over the government. But you're already plotting again..."

I roll my eyes. Some things never change. But Baz just ignores him. The flame above his head has taken a bright blue colour, which confirms his totally slackened and chatty mood. (Maybe I was right and the meals a really supposed to calm you down. Even if I don't think it's drugs.) Simon seems also very relaxed. He finally got rid of his coat and his face is flushed again.

"If you would do so, you could manipulate our assortment of spells," I construct Baz's plan farther. "And this could actually change a lot. If you don't teach the youth how to use their magic right, you could really slack the British magicians much power."

"Like I said: If you want to take control over something, start at the beginning," Baz responds. "Reduce the available capabilities. Then you have the power over the future."

"The Americans would get higher educations as we would and make more progress in magickal science – if there's such a thing – and politics. Then Great Britain couldn't compete anymore in the international magickal business. And boom – America has us under their thumb." I take a sip of my glass of water.

"You should warn your Mum not to let anyone from the States sneak into Watford, Bunce. This could be the end of our free kingdom."

"Weren't we just talking about poisoned food?" Simon asks confused and licks his lips. "How did this become a masterplan to take control over Great Britain?"

"Right. The drugs," Baz starts again but I can't listen to it a third time so I try to look around and watch the other guests. There are a few really strange beings. Several dwarfs that look like they try to close a deal but it's obvious that it isn't that easy. They shout and throw their arms in the air. I'm glad that I can't really hear them – this could be really loud and annoying. There is also a group of pixies and for a second, I'm sure I saw Trixie under them but they're so many and look all so similar. (Their tables and chairs are all covered in pixie dust. Gross.) I really wonder what Trixie is doing now after Watford. If she's still together with her girlfriend?

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