Chapter 1

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It's been about 2 years since the battle of Zyzzx and they think things at fablehaven have finally calmed down.

POV Kendra

Watching Seth and Bracken play wrestle basketball in the pool was Surprisingly fun to watch. I had to move away from the pool because they kept splashing me. They wanted me to come in but I just shook my head. The thought of having Bracken see me in my swimsuit would be completely embarrassing. So i just decided to watch them, I tried to read a book but they were extremely loud. "Point" Seth yelled. What's the score I yelled back. "15 to 14 Bracken responded in his calm voice. I'm winning Seth told me at the same time Bracken tackled Seth back underwater. I must have started to stare of into space because two ice blue eyes were staring back at me. I jumped in panic at first. Then punched Bracken playfully in the arm at the same time said "Wow you completely scared me there." Sorry he responded didn't mean to scare you. He sat down next to me and then I asked where is Seth. He went to go see if Doren and Newel wanted to play some Football.

POV Seth

On the way down to Doren and Newels place, It suddenly became cold and just creepy. I started to run when I saw something move behind the trees. Do i check it out or just continue, I kept asking myself. Whatever he told himself, I will just take a peek. What was behind there I kept wondering . Many things popped inside my head, maybe it was Doren and Newel playing a joke on me. Or maybe it was a creature wanting to destroy Fablehaven. Hello is anyone there, I said. I started to walk behind the tree. But all I saw was a clear lake with a few fish swimming. I was starting to turn around when I saw the reflection of something on the water. When I saw what is was I let out a scream and then I saw  two big yellow eyes reflecting off the pond and that's when it all went black.

POV Kendra

Where is Seth I kept asking myself. Bracken had his arm around me and said I am sure  he is find. He probably just got distracted and started to play tennis with Newel and Doren. Yeah that does sound like Seth I said with a laugh.  Ummm Kendra ,Bracken said. I didn't know where this was going but i hope it was good. Bracken had gotten my mind off of Seth all I want to do is stay like this forever his arm around me just like it should me. They Bracken gave me a big hug, it was amazing and then I realized that he read my thoughts. I jumped back so we weren't touching. I was blushing so hard, I probably was redder that a tomato. I could feel Bracken staring at me but I just couldn't look at him, not now. Then I mumbled, forgot you could do that again. He let out a small chuckle and told me reassuringly, you will get used to it. I still couldn't get myself to look at him. Then a arm goes around my shoulder and he says I am sorry ok. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Its ok I said. I finally looked up he did a small smile before talking. As I was saying before Kendra I... Bracken said. Then I heard it, Seth scream. Faster than ever before I was up sprinting towards the woods. It only took a few seconds for Bracken to catch up. He grabbed my hand and started to kinda pull me behind him. My stomach started to hurt but I didn't care Seth needed my help. When we were running I noticed it start to get colder. They i noticed a shoe sticking out from behind a tree. Bracken didn't so i let go of his hand a ran toward the tree. When I found Seth, I fell on my hands and knees and started to cry. Before I new if Bracken had his arms around me,pulling me away from Seth. All I could think about was Seth dead like body laying on the ground...

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